Chapter Twenty-Two

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Pixie starts to worry about Hermione when she doesn't turn up for the next class. It's not like her to miss classes and she really doesn't seem like the sort to do so willingly. Hermione enjoys classes as much as Pixie herself does. Pixie moves towards Parvati and Lavender talking together in the hallway. They are the first people she's come across that might have seen Hermione. The first people that she's thought to ask about her. Someone has to look out for Hermione. She doesn't really have any friends.

"Parvati, Lavender" Pixie greets and they both turn to her, seemingly surprised that she even knows their names. "Have you seen Hermione?" She asks Parvati who nods a little, though both seem cautious that this Slytherin girl is talking to them at all. Though they are all starting to see that Pixie is different to her fellow housemates.

"In the girls' toilets," Parvati tells her. "She was crying...I tried to talk to her but she just wanted to be left alone"

"Thanks" Pixie offers and then walks away. She's now worried about her friend, or sort of friend. She wouldn't say that she and Hermione are quite at that point yet. She is definitely closer to Pansy then Hermione, but that doesn't mean she hates the girl. Ron was out of line. Just a little further along the hallway, Pansy is waiting for Pixie, close to the Great Hall, ready for dinner.

"Hey" Pansy offers as Pixie joins her, Pixie giving her a small smile as they head into the Great Hall for dinner, for the Halloween feast. Pixie lets out an impressed breath as she watches a thousand live bats flutter from the walls and ceiling while a thousand more swoop over the tables in low black clouds, making the candles in the pumpkins stutter. This is amazing and it is almost enough to clear her worry for Hermione. They take their seats at the Slytherin table, Pixie actively ignoring the looks that Draco keeps sending her. He doesn't like her, and she doesn't care, which just infuriates him further. Which makes her happy. Pixie watches the door as they wait for the rest of the school to pour in. But Hermione still doesn't show. She worries again now. No amount of bats to take her mind off of it. The feast suddenly appears in front of them on the same golden plates that they were served with during the start-of-term banquet. It has barely begun when Professor Quirrell sprints into the hall. His turban sitting wonky on his head. His face screwed up into terror. All eyes in the hall turn to him. All watching and waiting to see what is going on. He reaches Dumbledore's chair and then slumps down against the table.

" the dungeons....thought you ought to know" Quirrell then sinks to the floor in a faint. It takes all of two seconds before the entire hall descends into utter chaos. People talk over the top of each other as they panic. Pixie is quiet though. Her mind works instead of her mouth. Several things going through her mind, but it is Hermione that settles there. Dumbledore holds up his wand and lets out a bunch of purple firecrackers to calm everything down.

"Prefects," Dumbledore announced. "Lead your houses back to the dormitories immediately!" Gemma stands from the Slytherin table, adjusting her robes.

"Slytherins" She states, gaining the attention of all the students around her house table. "Follow me. Stick together, first-years"

"How could a troll get in?" Pixie voices as the Slytherin first years follow Gemma out of the great hall, she's not really asking anyone, in particular, just whoever is closest to her. Which turns out to be Tracey, who shrugs.

"Don't ask me, they're supposed to be really stupid," Tracey offers and then snorts. "Maybe Peeves let it in for a Hallowe'en joke" Pixie stops suddenly, Millicent almost going straight into her back. Pansy glances back at Pixie. They share a look before Pansy nods and then heads onward with the rest of their house. Pixie lets out a breath and ducks out of sight, waiting a moment for Gemma's voice disappears down the hall. Pixie knows she has to do something, because no one else is going to help Hermione.

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