Chapter Twenty-Three

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Ron, Harry, and Pixie rush back towards the Gryffindor Tower, not talking, but processing what has just happened. Pixie literally can't believe that she did that. That they did that. That they took on a troll. Four eleven-year-olds. A troll. Tony is going to either praise her for doing something awesome or scold her for putting herself in harm's way. Her mother is definitely going to yell at her when she finds out.

"We should have got more than ten points," Ron complains, breaking the silence as their steps slowed, the smell of troll fading from their noses.

"Five, you mean, once she's taken off Hermione's" Harry corrects him.

"Good of her to get us out of trouble like that," Ron offers. "Mind you, we did save her."

"She might not have needed saving if we hadn't locked the thing in with her," Harry points out.

"She wouldn't have been in the toilets at all if Ron hadn't said what he did" Pixie reminds them, Ron opens his mouth to argue with her but thinks better of it. Because she's right. Hermione wouldn't have been upset, and would have been in the Great Hall with everyone else. Hopefully, this means that Ron might be a little more careful about his words when it comes to Hermione from now on, considering the consequences that could have come of tonight. If Pixie hadn't decided to go looking for Hermione. If Ron and Harry hadn't agreed to help her. Hermione would probably be dead. They round a corner of the hallway bringing them outside of the Fat Lady's portrait where Hermione is standing waiting for them. She takes a step closer to them and then thinks better of it. Keeps her eyes down and scuffs her shoes on the stone floor. Harry and Ron both look away from her. Pixie rolls her eyes.

"Oh, for the.." She complains. "Thank you," She tells Hermione who nods before she looks at Pixie, her eyes flickering between the two boys first.

"Thanks" Hermione voices. "For..." Pixie nods and smiles at her.

"I would say any time, but maybe next time...not a troll" Pixie teases a little. Hermione nods and relaxes.

"Yeah, thanks" Harry adds, Ron nodding in agreement.

"You three should go on inside..." Pixie adds as she tugs on her sweater.

"Pix" Harry starts, turning towards her. The two of them share a look and she nods.

"Yeah, I know" He wants to say that he wishes that she didn't have to slink off alone. But she does. She doesn't belong with the Gryffindors. "I have to get back to the dungeons" She shrugs a little before she turns and skips away, humming to herself. Harry and Ron really start to believe the sorting hat made a mistake putting Pixie with the Slytherins, especially as she is nothing like the others.


Kaa curls around Pixie's wrist and arm, his two heads talking away about how worried they were about her. She feels bad, because she always tells herself to spend more time with them and then something else comes up. Homework. Classes. Trouble. And she can't even talk to them up here in the girls' dormitory. Too many other people around to hear her talking in that tongue. She can't risk it. She knows how people feel about it. She uses her other hand and brushes her a finger under each of their chins to comfort them. The two of them fall quiet to bask in the warmth from her skin. She might have to start keeping them in her pockets from now on just to get to spend some time with them. She holds her hand down into the tank and they uncurl from her arm to slither back into the tank. Pixie gives them both a soft smile as she turns off her bedside lamp before snuggling into her bed. Suddenly all of her adrenaline has escaped her and she is feeling the attack on the troll. She hurts in places. That's not going to help with quidditch practice tomorrow afternoon, as if Flint doesn't push her hard enough, she has to prove her worth to everyone, despite the fact that she is a better flier than half the team and she's only a first year.


Because it is a secret that Pixie has joined the Slytherin Quidditch team, their practice takes place later than everyone else's. After dinner service. But this practice is extra special, because it will be the last team session they can have before their first game next week. And they are facing Gryffindor. With their new star Seeker in Harry, Slytherin has to make a stand themselves. To make an effort. She is balancing on her broom, eyes closed as she listens to the sounds around here. There are birds somewhere close, likely using one of the spectator towers for a nest. She can hear the slight breeze past her ears. A crack of thunder far off in the distance. Possibly an oncoming storm. She can hear noises from the school as it travels in the breeze. The last of the dinner crowds leaving and heading to the common rooms or to other activities.

"Stark!" Flint shouts and she almost tumbles off her broom, instead, she manages to lower herself till she is sat on it before she flies down to meet up with him and Adrian who are waiting with their brooms. "You, me, and Adrian vs the rest of the team" Flint points out and the whistles. The remaining members of the Slytherin team all fly out on their brooms and take to the pitch. "Let's see how you do against opponents" Flint then takes flight with the rest of the team, leaving Pixie with Adrian to explain the rest of the plan to her.

"Shabes, Branstone, and Higgs will be taking the positions of the opposing chasers" Adrian explains. "Bletchley is keeper, like just got to score five...and Flint'll be satisfied" He adds softer at the end towards her. "Look, we all know you're good, we've seen you in practice, you've got great speed and balance, you've even got a great throw...." She nods and lets out a breath. "Now show Flint you belong here..." He pats her shoulder and then mounts his broom, Pixie does the same, following him up there just as it starts to rain, small droplets of water splashing onto her cheeks. She has a feeling she is going to be exhausted and bruised after this practice.

A/N- So I have been trying to decide what Pixie will do for Xmas. I have two choices that could work, and I do have a preference, but I will leave it up to you guys. 

1. Pixie stays at the school.

2. Pixie goes home and ends up dragged into the plot of Iron Man 3 (It takes place starting on the 23rd which is the day that Hogwarts lets out for Winter break, which would make sense considering that there would be no warning to those attacks and no planning as they have to give McGonagall their answers on the 9th.) This option would leave some questions regarding extremis and stuff. But I will lay them out later if this is the choice that wins. 

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