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On platform 9 ¾, Pixie drops from the train and onto the platform with a small smile. Part of her is happy about going home. She has missed her family. Her mother. Her father. She has really missed Tony. The little letters don't help with that. She needs him in-person to help her with her little project. Pansy loops her arm with Pixie's as Ron, Hermione, and Harry join them. The platform is packed with students all pushed together as they all make their way for the exit at a snail's pace. An old guard is up by the ticket barrier, letting them go through the gate in twos and threes so they don't attract attention by all bursting out of a solid wall at once and alarming the Muggles on the other side. Which Pixie supposes is rather smart. So they move forward, just slowly, though they are closer to the front than the back.

"You must come and stay this summer," Ron offers. "All of you....I'll send you an owl."

"Even me?" Pansy asks. Ron looks at her surprised that she'd question that after their last few months spent bonding. All of them together.

"Of course even you, Parkinson" Ron assures her. Pansy smiles a little and glances at Pixie who winks at her. She kept telling her that she was their friend, not just hers. "Never thought I'd have Slytherin friends" He mumbles under his breath and Pixie throws her elbow into his side. "I'm just saying" Ron defends, Pixie shakes her head a little.

"Thanks," Harry offers warmly. "I'll need something to look forward to." Almost everyone they pass says goodbye to Harry. With waves and smiles and pats on the shoulders.

"Still famous," Pixie teases with a grin. Harry looks at her and shrugs.

"Not where I'm going, I promise you," He argues and then the five of them are passing through the gateway together, stepping out into London's King's Cross station.

"There he is, Mom, there he is, look!" Ron's little sister, Ginny's voice rings out through the station. She has her arm raised as she points towards the group of friends, but she's not pointing at Ron, no, she's pointing at Harry. "Harry Potter!" she squeals. "Look, Mom! I can see..."

"Be quiet, Ginny, and it's rude to point." Molly scolds her daughter but then smiles down at Harry, Ron, Hermione, Pansy, and Pixie. "Busy year?"

"Very," Harry answers. "Thanks for the fudge and the sweater, Mrs Weasley."

"Oh, it was nothing, dear."

"Ready, are you?" Harry's Uncle Vernon is next to approach them. Behind him, his Aunt Petunia and cousin Dudley huddled together. Seemingly terrified. Pixie raises an eyebrow and then snorts a little.

"You must be Harry's family!" Molly states with a welcoming and warm smile.

"In a manner of speaking," Uncle Vernon answers. "Hurry up, boy, we haven't got all day." He then walks away from the group. Harry stays with his friends though.

"See you over the summer, then." Ron voices, though he sounds less enthusiastic about it now.

"Hope you have—er—a good holiday," Pansy offers and then shakes her head before she notices her parents. She waves at them and they wave back. Letting her have a moment with her friends.

"Oh, I will," Harry offers, his friends all turning to him, surprised that he wears a huge smile. "They don't know we're not allowed to use magic at home. I'm going to have a lot of fun with Dudley this summer..." Pixie chuckles along with Ron and Hermione but stops when she sees Tony beyond the crowds. Standing and posing for the press. Steve behind him, rolling his eyes a little as he tries to escape. He waves at Pixie who gives him a look, he shrugs back at her and motions at Tony.

"Dad!" Pixie shouts and Tony is instantly turning to look for her. She runs straight for him and then straight into him, curling her arms around him. She really has missed him. Not realising how much she has been bothered by what she went through. With what happened at Christmas. And then the Stone. Tony brushes his fingers through her hair before he pulls her back a little to look down at her. He then crouches.

"You okay?" He whispers, and she nods. "Sure?" She nods again. "Your mom got a letter from Severus" He admits. "Is it true? What happened?"

"Yeah" She admits. "Is she mad?"

"No" Tony stops her quickly. "Hell, no, Pixel...She's damn proud" She sniffles a little and looks at him. "We all are..."

"All?" She asks, he nods and glances up at Steve.

"He boasted to everyone that his daughter is a superhero" Steve admits softly. "That you are eleven and have already saved the world" She smiles a little and looks at Tony.

"See...they're all proud too" Tony brushes her hair back from her face.

"It was Harry" She argues. "He stopped Voldemort" Tony shrugs.

"Yeah, well, you helped" He leans closer to whisper. "You think I do every Avenger thing...but I do buy all their shit" Steve turns a stern eye on Tony. "I help" Pixie chuckles and shakes her head.

"Hey" Steve scolds Tony, Tony looks up at him. "Language" Tony smirks up at him.

"You're such an old man" Tony teases as he stands.

"You're one to talk" Pixie mumbles to herself but smiles all the same. "Where's Mom?" She asks. Tony hums a little.

"Super secret Ministry work" He answers. "She wouldn't tell me but she wanted me to tell you that she's sorry she's not here" Pixie nods a little. She knows that her mother's work can take her off at the drop of a hat. "Do you want to say goodbye to your friends?" He asks. Pixie glances back at her friends. But they've already said their goodbyes. She waves at her friends as they all start to separate. Leaving for their homes. She gets waves back. A few smiles. But it all feels bittersweet really. She supposes it isn't all that long till she goes back. But still. She's going to miss them. Tony touches her shoulder and she turns as Steve takes control of her trolley.

(1) Lux Brumalis (R. Weasley)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora