Chapter Thirty-Six

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Pixie can hear the fighting from where she is all tied up, but it doesn't scare her, she knows exactly what that means. She looks across at Killian who paces the room and smirks at him. She was right. Of course, Tony was going to come for her.

"Told you so" She comments. "You are so screwed" He turns and storms towards her, his hand held out as he reaches for her. She closes her eyes when suddenly an explosion rocks the room, imploding inward and throwing the rig Pixie is attached to and Killian away into the depth of the room.


Tony, in an Iron Man suit, rushes into the room Pixie was just in with Killian. His eyes scan around the room as Jarvis does the same with his computer. His heart rate on his heads up display is pounding away with his worry. A little blip on the display shows close by and Tony moves, hoping that that is Pixie and not someone he has absolutely no feelings for. He checks that Pixie is there, which she is, trapped under a pile of metal frames and sheets.

"Dad" She lets out a relieved breath and he nods, moving to try and pull the debris away from her. He strains a little, lifting a metal t-section bar. "Stop!" Pixie begs when something sharp pokes into her side. Tony instantly stops what he is doing and goes to one knee to look through the space.

"Hey, Pixel" He whispers, her jaw trembles as she gets upset. "It's going to be okay" He adds and then leans forward, thrusting his arm through the space to try and reach for her. He wiggles his gloved fingers at her and she manages to get her hand free to reach back at him. "Come on. A little more, princess" She reaches for him, trying really hard to take his hand. Tony pushes himself closer too. He just wants to get her out of here. She should never have been placed in this situation. And he is sorry she was. Suddenly, Killian bursts up out of the floor and shoves his hand through Tony's suit, burning him, throwing Tony away from Pixie who whimpers a little.

"Don't get up" Killian tells Tony as he crouches over him in his suit. "Ooh." Killian presses a finger into Tony's suit, burning through the metal. "Is it hot in there? Stuck? Do you feel a little stuck? Like a little turtle, cooking in his little turtle suit"

"Get off of him!" Pixie calls out.

"She's watching" Killian points out for Tony. "I think you should close your eyes" He adds, staring down at Tony. "Close your eyes. Close your eyes. You don't want to see this." Kilian raises his fist as it glows orange, like fire. And just as he is about to thrust it into Tony's chest, Tony's suit manifests a sword and he cuts off Killian's arm. It bounces away from them, Killian rising to his feet to look at his arm as it begins to grow back. Pixie's eyes snap to the arm which is now burning through the metal close to her. It's going to burn through everything. It is going to send her down through the floor. And it does. Pixie screams as the floor gives way, dropping her down onto the crane system for containment units. Tony is quick to dispatch the broken suit from around him before he is on his feet, running out of the room to follow the crane's path as it begins to move.

"Tati!" He yells and Tatiana throws out a spell at an Extremis soldier before she snaps her head around. Tony waves with his hand towards Pixie and Tatiana looks down before she takes off at a run, parallel to Tony. The two of them race towards their daughter. "Jarvis, give me a suit right now!" Tony orders, a suit races towards him and just as he is about to jump into it it is destroyed. "Oh, come on!" He races onward, awaiting another opportunity to get a suit on.
"The President is secure, Tony. I'm clearing the area" Rhodey tells Tony through the coms unit.

"Nice work" Tony assures him and then dives off the platform onto the crane before moving closer to where Pixie is clutching onto the crane. He hates that she looks so scared. And he gets it, he's scared too. He reaches out for her as soon as he is ale. "Pix, I got you" He assures her, her fingers coming away from the hold she has on the beam and she reaches out for him. But she's still too far away from him. "Relax, I got you. Just look at me!" He assures her when she looks down. "Honey, I can't reach any further and you can't stay there. Alright? You've got to let go. You've got to let go! I'll catch you, I promise" The crane shudders as an explosion rocks the dock and Pixie slips, sliding away. Tony reaches forward to catch her, but it's not enough. His fingers brush over hers but he can't grab her. "No!" Tony screams as she falls towards the flames below. He lets out a staggered breath as he stares into the fire. Tears gather in his eyes.

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