Chapter Sixteen

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Pixie sees Draco heading towards the Gryffindor table, specifically to Neville as she walks into the Great Hall for breakfast. And she has a bad feeling about that. Draco takes any and all opportunities to belittle and bully the poor boy. She may be in Slytherin but if there is one thing she does not like or tolerate, and that is bullies. Pansy seems to read what she is going to do before Pixie even makes up her mind and stops to wait for her. Pixie heads off towards the Gryffindor table, following Draco. Neville is holding a Remembrall in his hand which is swiftly taken from his hand by Draco. Harry and Ron pounce up to their feet, half hoping for a reason to fight Malfoy. Neville is slower in standing, getting upset but trying not to show it.

"What's going on?" Pixie ask standing behind Neville, he glances over his shoulder at her and then back at Draco.

"Malfoy's got my Remembrall" Neville answers, Pixie raises an eyebrow and turns to Draco.

"Give it back to him, Malfoy..." She states.

"Or what?" He asks her. "You'll hex me, Stark?" He mocks. Pixie steps closer to him, sidestepping Neville to get closer to Draco.

"I don't need magic to kick your skinny pale ass, Princess Yue," She tells him and holds out her hand. "Now give it to me" She warns him. "Before I make you....and embarrass you in front of your friends" She threatens. He stares at her, trying to gauge how serious she is about that. Very serious. Draco drops the Remembrall back into her hand and she calls her fingers around it. Draco bumps into her shoulder as he passes her but she ignores him and moves to Neville. She gives him a small smile and hands it back to him.

"Thank you, Pixie," Neville tells her, she hums a little and then walks back to where Pansy is waiting for her. The two girls loop arms and head to the Slytherin table. "She's a lot nicer than the other Slytherins" Neville mumbles as he sits back down.

"Maybe the sorting hat made a mistake" Hermione offers without looking up from her Quidditch book.

"Maybe people judge the house" Harry counters taking his seat again. "Maybe they are all actually different..."

"Well, that too" Hermione agrees and goes back to her book. Harry looks at Ron as he sits at his side, a frown on his face.

"What?" Harry asks.

"She's confusing" Ron grumbles turning to his breakfast. Harry raises an eyebrow at him. "Maybe the hat did get it wrong" Ron whispers a little and shrugs. Harry glances across the room at Pixie and Pansy who are talking over their own breakfast. Pixie notices his gaze and waves at him, he nods back at her before turning back to his table.


Pixie leans back against the wall of the owlery as she opens a care package from Tony. He's been sending letters almost every other day. Asking questions. Wanting to know everything about Hogwarts and everything she is taught and learns. He's sent her some of her favourite American treats which she is obviously not going to get here. She has bubble gum, cotton candy, Nerds, taffy, Peeps, soda, and iced teas. He's also sent her her lavender Chapstick as she actually forgot it. She's missed it actually. It's a comfort scent. She misses Tony. Misses both of them. It's weird being so far away from people that she saw every single day. That were such a constant part of her life. She sets her head back against the wall and closes her eyes. She wanted to come here. She was excited about it. But she misses her parents. It's not unreasonable for her to do so. It feels like forever until Christmas break. She opens her eyes and sighs. She needs to buck up. She is excited to learn and use magic, she just needs to hold onto that. She packs all of her supplies into the box and then stands with it.


Pixie and Pansy sit in the courtyard together, Pixie sharing her candy and iced tea with her friend. And she supposes Pansy is her friend. Though whether or not Pansy is so because Pixie is who she is or because Pansy actually likes her, she doesn't know yet. They have some time before their flying lesson and rather than congregating in the common room like the rest of them, they are choosing the fresh September air of Scotland. Mostly neither one of them wanted to sit and listen to Draco complain about Harry.

"Hey, Milli" Pixie greets as Millicent sits with them. "What are you are doing out here?" Millicent is the type of girl that prefers to sit in the common room between lessons, mostly because she hasn't really made any friends, preferring to keep to herself, but is willing to talk to the other Slytherin girls in her year. Plus she likes Pixie. She's sweet and kind, for a Slytherin girl.

"Malfoy" Millicent answers, Pixie hums and holds out her box of Nerds, Millicent raises an eyebrow and then holds out her hand, Pixie pours a good portion into the girl's hand before pulling it back. "He's not happy with you"

"Oh no" Pixie states with no enthusiasm or worry, Pansy smirks as Millicent snorts. "Whatever shall I do about that?" She asks and shares an amused look with the girls.

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