Plot Questions (Iron Man 3)

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With the events of Iron Man 3 literally right around the corner for Pixie, I thought I would put this page up so I can plan out the timeline for her Christmas break before I start writing it. 

1. I currently have it planned that Pixie will be the one to suffer through the Extremis virus, taking Pepper's place in the movie. For me, it makes more sense, given that Tony and Tatiana aren't together, and Pepper isn't a romantic interest for Tony. But if you would prefer for it to be Tati, then I am open to doing so. 

2. If Pixie is the one to be infected, the next question would be if you guys would want her to be fully cured of it at the end or if it finds a way to bond with her magic. Granting her some other abilities. I am open to ideas as I haven't dug too deep into this concept yet. It is just something I thought about quickly when reading through the transcript of Iron Man 3. I know that Pepper gets saved and cured, but maybe magic has a different effect on it. 

- I know I have other characters that have extra things in regards to magic and Pixie was one that was pretty plain in comparison. And if Pix does have something, I would deffo prefer for it to be something different. 

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