Chapter Forty-Three

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The following weeks are rather uneventful, everything moves along at a good pace, nice and normal. Though Pixie does notice that Ron sticks up for Quirrell and his stutter a lot more whenever someone makes fun of it. Pixie assumes that has something to do with whatever they didn't tell her. Which is fine. She didn't want to know. And now with exams less than three months away, Pixie decides that with everything else she is doing that she should be prepared for when she gets back from Easter break. She'll go home for a couple of weeks, relax, get any supplies she can from Tony's workshop, grab Neville's cacti and then by the time she gets back, she will be ready to crack down on her studies ready for her exams. So she finds a quiet corridor to spread out. Her engineering and mathematical books are on one side. Transfiguration and potions on another. A timetable is set up in front of her as she makes notes. Ron sits across from her, a little wooden chess box in his hand which he sets on the floor, watching her, watching what she is doing.

"Pixie, the exams are ages away" Ron points out as he sets up the chessboard between them on the floor.

"Yeah, but I'm going home for Easter tomorrow and I just want to make sure everything is ready for when I get back" She points out as she makes a note on her homemade revision and homework timetable. With her extra stuff. With the arcane magic and the tinkering, she needs to make sure that she has enough time to actually do them whilst keeping up with her school studies.

"Is that safe?" He asks with a small smirk. "You know, maybe this time someone might actually try and drown you" She gives him a look before throwing a crumpled piece of parchment at him, hitting him in the head.

"It's not funny" She counters. "Knowing my luck, that will actually happen"

"What are you revising for anyway?" He asks. "Don't you already know it all?" He asks as he finishes placing the last chess piece down. She snorts and smirks with a nod.

"True" She agrees and leans back a little, her eyes finding the chess game set up. "What are you doing?" She asks him.

"You said you'd play chess with me" He answers. She nods and sets her quill down, stretching her fingers a little.

"Sure, if you want your butt-kicking" She comments, he gives her a look.

"I think you are seriously overestimating your chances here, Stark" He counters as they settle in front of the board. Along the corridor, Hermione's bushy hair can be seen poking around. Behind her, Harry approaches her, confused as to why she is just standing around the corner when he can hear Pixie and Ron. Hermione stops Harry with her arm and then nods down the corridor to Ron and Pixie. Harry peers around the corner to see them and then gives Hermione a confused look.

"Oh, just let them play chess" She scolds him and pulls him away.


There are fewer students that go home for Easter, mainly because what's the point for only two weeks? But Pixie wants to pick up Neville's plant and some other bits and pieces. Easter isn't really a big deal for them, just an excuse to buy and binge eat chocolate and candy. Pixie and Tony usually sit and watch Disney movies, sometimes with Pepper, Happy or Rhodey too, just whoever has the time. She shakes out her hair as she leaves the train compartment. She'd been alone on this trip. Pansy and the other Slytherin girls staying behind to catch up on homework. Which meant the hours spent travelling back to London were spent in pretty much silence. Which was fine for her. She turns and steps off the train. Tony hugs Pixie tightly and kisses her head the second she's on the platform. Tatiana stood at his side with a soft smile. They have been worried about her because of things that came about from Extremis. Tatiana has been filled in with regards to her new magic. It's not exactly what they wanted to hear, but it isn't as bad as it could have been. It just means she has to work a little harder. And if she got anything from her parents it is determination. She has always worked hard. This will be no different.

"How are we doing on drama?" Tony asks her as they walk across the platform. "Any more trolls?"

"No" Pixie answers and shakes her head. "It's been quiet" Tatiana clears her throat and Pixie sighs. Her mother clearly knows something and apparently, that proves Pixie as a liar, which she is not. It has been relatively quiet. Compared to the first term anyway.

"When you walk around school with a broken nose..." Tatiana starts, Pixie turns a look on her mother. She was trying not to worry Tony over her fight with Draco, Crabbe, and Goyle.

"A broken nose?" Tony asks. "What happened?"

"I was defending my friends" Pixie admits. "Malfoy was being a little..."

"Whoa" Tony stops her, covering her mouth with his hand.

"Malfoy?" Tatiana asks. "Oh, please don't tell me you've gotten involved with that family...." Pixie gives her a confused look.

"He was talking down to Ron" She mumbles against Tony's hand, Tatiana waves for Tony to let her go so she can hear what she is saying. Tony pulls his hand back. "He was making fun of Ron, and how the Weasley's don't have any money, and how stupid they thought Neville is...and how Harry doesn't have any parents....what was I supposed to do? Let him?" Tony nods along and motions to her.

"Oh come on, we both know that Steve would be here, patting her on the back for standing up for her friends" He points out.

"Steve isn't here" Tatiana argues and turns a look on Pixie. "Getting into fights..."

"Defending my friends" Pixie argues.

"We're not arguing about this" Tatiana stops her. "Not here" Pixie clenches her jaw and folds her arms over her chest. Tony's eyes widen and he lets out a breath. This is going to be a fun two weeks if this is the mood the two of them are going to be in.

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