Chapter Twelve

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The Slytherin common room is a long, low underground room with rough stone walls and ceiling, from which round, greenish lamps are hanging on chains. A fire is crackling under an elaborately carved mantelpiece. It's got this air. Pixie glances around, whilst she doesn't hate it, she doesn't love it. When she's been living in a number of places that are all open and filled with light it is a bit of a shock. Actually, she is pretty sure this is somewhere that Loki would hang out between mischief and murder. Gemma Farley is the prefect that is showing them around their common room. Motioning to the doors that will take them to their dorms. Shared dorms. She is going to have to share with the other girls. She's never had to share anything before, and from the looks on all their faces, it is true of every single one of them. So that is going to be fun. Pixie stands, her eyes glancing around at what is to be her home. There is a smell to this place as well. Minty. Floral. Spicy too. She can hear Draco behind her, talking to someone, she can't see who.

"My father has some control over at the Ministry" He is boasting to his friend, Pixie snorts and shakes her head. Draco's eyes move to her. "Something funny, Stark?" He asks her, she hums and turns to face him, folding her arms over her chest.

"Yeah, are you sure about that?" She asks him. "Because my mom works at the Ministry, and I've never heard of you or your daddy" She points out, he rears back surprised by that.

"And just who is your mother?" He asks her.

"Tatiana Snape" She answers and sees realisation and recognition flicker over his face.

"The Auror" He points out, she hums and nods. Her mother isn't unknown. She's a very talented and prolific and renowned Auror. She's very, very good at her job.

"Stark here is probably more famous than even Potter" Pansy points out, Draco turns and glares at her. "She is" Pansy argues. "Her father is Tony Stark, who is probably the most famous muggle in the world...." Pixie smirks and nods in agreement. Draco clenches his jaw. "Just saying" Pansy offers and shares a smirk with Pixie. Maybe Slytherin won't be so bad, all she needs is one ally. And clearly, there have to be other half-bloods in this house if Pansy knows who Tony Stark is. Pixie is sure it is not a well-known name in wizarding circles, not like he is in the muggle world.

"Well don't" Draco counters. Pansy and Pixie share a look, Pixie smirking a little.

"Okay, whatever, Casper" Pixie tells Draco and then turns to Gemma. "Girls dormitory?" Gemma smirks a little and points to the right door. "Thanks" Pixie offers and then heads that way, Pansy shrugs at Draco and then follows Pixie, along with the other first-year girls.

"Casper?" Draco voices confused. "My name's Draco!" He shouts after Pixie who snorts and then chuckles.


There are five four-poster beds all positioned around the first years' girls dormitory, all pointing outward from the all to the centre of the room where there are a sofa and a couple of armchairs positioned around a coffee table, on the top of which sits a silver snake who holds a lantern in its mouth. Of course, there are more serpents around the room, on the walls, wrapped around the bedposts. And Kaa. Pixie lets out a breath and moves to the snake's tank on a dresser. He, they, look rather happy where they are so she smiles and then glances around again. She supposes it's not hideous. Pixie knows things could be worse. She just wishes she'd be with someone she knows. She sits on the bed nearest her and nods. She has to deal with this. It's happened. She can't change it. This is her house. She just has to make the best of it. She can do that. Her trunk is already at the end of the bed, waiting for her. All the other girls are seemingly as tired as she is, none of them are talking, but getting ready to fall straight into bed. Lifting the lid of her trunk Pixie rummages around for her pyjamas, finding one set easily enough. She rolls her eyes but smiles. Of course Tony snuck some Iron Man pyjamas into her trunk. But she is touched. And she does miss him already. She closes the trunk as she stands and then changes before sitting on the edge of the bed, her eyes on the thick green velvet curtains around the bed and she pulls them closed as she climbs under the covers. A small flickering of light from a lantern hanging over the bed, not bright, but enough to give a nice amber glow. Pixie curls into her bedding and almost instantly falls to sleep.

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