YEAR ONE: Chapter One

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"Rapunzel, it's time to wake up." Remus gently shook Rapunzel's shoulder as she lay face down in her bed, wrapped both in blankets and her own hair. Rapunzel groaned into the pillow, turning her head away.

"Why?" She whined.

"Because today is the first day of school. Y'know, at Hogwarts." Remus said with a sly smile, watching Rapunzel's eyes shoot open as she suddenly scrambled to get out of bed.

"Why didn't you tell me sooner?!" Rapunzel squealed, flying past Remus and downstairs to eat breakfast. Remus chuckled fondly as he made his way downstairs at a much more calm pace.

He entered the dining room to find Rapunzel eating her toast as if she hadn't eaten in years, two out of four slices had already disappeared.

"Careful, eat too quickly and you might choke," Remus warned, taking a seat at the table to skin the newspaper.

Due to Remus' condition he had a hard time finding employment besides small jobs here and there, meaning they didn't have a whole lot of money or a whole lot of food. Also due to his fears about hurting others, the two of them lived in a small cottage in the forest, not too far from the nearest town but far enough for safety.

"Sorry...I'm just so excited! I'll finally get to make friends!" Rapunzel bounced giddily in her seat, a gleeful grin stretching from ear to ear.

"Can't wait to hear all about it, you'll have to introduce me to any friends you make."

"You'll just tell them embarrassing stories about me, won't you?" Rapunzel sighed, giving Remus a knowing look.

"I have no idea what you mean," Remus said with a poorly hidden smirk, trying to hide it behind his newspaper but failing. Rapunzel wasn't the most observant when it came to emotions and expressions, but Remus was terrible at hiding his feelings.



Rapunzel took a shaky breath as she looked out the window of the train, waving goodbye to her father as long as she could before he disappeared into the distance.

To be honest, she was terrified. It hadn't really occurred to her until she was on the train just how nervous she was about going to Hogwarts.

What if people judged her? What if people thought she was stupid? She was thirteen years old going into her first year, it was perfect fuel for the bullying fire.

Pascal crawled down Rapunzel's arm and onto her lap, staring up at her with an unusually human look of annoyance on his face. Rapunzel was used to it by now, but she knew it would definitely freak other people out.

"You know I had to keep you in a birdcage so you wouldn't wander off at the station," Rapunzel sighed. Pascal still looked displeased.

"It was not me saying you're a bird, also why would that offend you?" Rapunzel asked incredulously.

Despite Pascal's inability to talk since he was, y'know, a chameleon, they had a strange ability to communicate. They seemed to understand what the other was feeling and what they were trying to say.

"You're upset because you think birds are dumb? That's a little weird," Rapunzel chuckled.

Pascal huffed, turning purple to match Rapunzel's dress. He was trying to hide to trick Rapunzel, and to sulk and make her feel bad.

"You know I can still see you, right?" Rapunzel raised an eyebrow at Pascal, who looked annoyed once again.

Rapunzel jumped upon hearing a knock on the compartment door, and Pascal scuttled up Rapunzel's arm.

Standing in the doorway was a boy her age with dreadlocks and dark skin, bearing a sheepish smile.

"Can we sit with you?" He asked, looking around the nearly empty compartment. Rapunzel smiled warmly at him in response, despite hearing Pascal squeak in protest.

"Of course."

"Thanks," the boy nodded his head in appreciation, sitting on the bench opposite her and followed by a set of identical twins, both very pale and very ginger.

"I'm Lee Jordan, these two idiots–"


"–are Fred and George." Lee finished, looking rather pleased with himself at Fred and George's reaction.

Rapunzel analyzed the twins as best she could to see the defining characteristics that could make her tell them apart. The first thing she noticed was that Fred was taller, more freckled, and his nose pointed upwards, while George had a hump in his nose that made it point down.

"I'm Rapunzel."

"Wait, your name is Rapunzel? Like–"

"The fairytale princess, yes." Rapunzel nodded. She knew this wasn't the first or last time she would be asked this, and she often questioned why her father thought it was a good idea to name her that.

"Is it a nickname or...?" Fred trailed off. The idea of someone actually being named Rapunzel was a bit weird to him, and pretty hilarious. But it was fitting, seeing as she had loose twin braids that reached her knees in length.

"Nope, just my name. Dad probably thought he was being funny." Rapunzel sighed. Pascal crawled down Rapunzel's arm to get a better look at the three boys and Lee made a face of slight fear.

"That's a weird looking toad," George piped up, grinning at Lee's expression. Pascal scowled

"He's not a toad, silly. He's a chameleon, they change colour!" Rapunzel laughed, holding out her hand and letting Pascal crawl into it. Pascal briefly stared down George before turning the same colour as his hair.


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