YEAR ONE: Chapter Two

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"Woah..." Rapunzel whispered as she looked around the castle, amazed by the talking paintings and the overall beauty, and she wasn't even in the great hall yet. Her and the other first years were congregated outside the great hall, waiting for Professor McGonagall to return and let them into the hall.

Engraved stone sconces hung from the walls, the ceiling was so high no one could ever dream to touch it. Intricate carvings adorned the walls of marble and stone, and detailed paintings chattered around them.

"I didn't know paintings could talk," Rapunzel murmured in wonderment, catching the attention of a girl with bushy hair, dark skin, and large teeth.

"It's incredible isn't it?" The girl flashed Rapunzel a wide grin, seeming equally as invested and intrigued by her surroundings.

"I wonder if they're real people, or if they were once, and now they're stuck in the paintings." Rapunzel mused, watching as the girl's expression morphed into slight confusion and concern as she thought it over.

"That would be terrible." She shuddered at the thought.

"I'm Rapunzel." She held out her hand for her to shake, and the girl gave her a bewildered look.

"Rapunzel? As in–"

"The fairytale, yes." Rapunzel sighed.

The girl smiled, shaking Rapunzel's hand with a somewhat amused expression.

"I'm Hermione Granger."

"So it's true, what they've been saying on the train." The voice of a young boy emerged from the crowd, cutting off the girls conversation, and Rapunzel easily peered over heads to see who it was coming from.

A boy with blonde, slicked back hair was standing with a sly smile on his face, flanked by two taller boys. Rapunzel immediately had a bad feeling about all three of them.

"Harry Potter has come to Hogwarts."

"Harry Potter?" The toad-holding boy from before whispered with bewilderment, sharing a shocked look with Rapunzel before turning back to the blonde boy.

Rapunzel followed the blonde boy's gaze to who she assumed was Harry Potter. She was surprised she hadn't noticed him sooner, come to think of it. His hair was black and messy, sticking in every and any possible direction, with dark brown skin and startling green eyes behind crooked glasses.

"This is Crabbe, and Goyle." The blonde nodded towards each of them, and Rapunzel was sure she would never be able to remember which one was which; simply because she didn't care enough to.

"And I'm Malfoy. Draco Malfoy." He introduced himself rather pompously, moving to stand in front of Harry. The freckled, ginger boy beside Harry snorted before he could stop himself, and Malfoy's head whipped towards him.

"Think my name's funny do you?!" He hissed, looking the ginger boy up and down with a look of disgust.

"No need to ask for yours! Red hair, and a hand me down robe? You must be a Weasley," Malfoy sneered.

Ah, now Rapunzel understood why she didn't like him.

"What's so wrong with that?" Rapunzel piped up, moving to stand beside the Weasley. She had heard of them before, her father had spoken of them, and she knew they weren't the wealthiest family; just like her.

Not to mention that it didn't take a genius to realize that the twins she had befriended were members of the Weasley family.

Malfoy didn't respond, rolling his eyes as he brought his gaze back to Harry.

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