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"Rapunzel! Rapunzel, can you hear me?!"

Rapunzel groaned as she came to, pain pulsing through her whole body and her eyes felt as though they were weighted shut. The words were distant, as if she were trapped in a fishbowl.

"Rapunzel, hey! You better not be dead, you can't be dead."

Something warm was on her cheek, holding her. A hand?

She finally managed to open her eyes, blinking to bring the world back into focus. Was she seeing doubles?

Nah, it wasn't doubles. It was the twins.

Fred and George were hovering over her, eyes wide with worry and the slightest bit of relief that she was awake.

"Thank Merlin," George breathed, slumping back. "Gave is a right scare there."

Rapunzel tried to sit up, finding it harder than usual, but not because of the pain. That wasn't it.

"Easy, easy. Let me help." Fred wrapped an arm sound Rapunzel's back, easing her into an upright position. He still seemed worried when he sat adjacent to her.

As Rapunzel got a better look at him, she realized with horror that there was blood on his hands. But he didn't seem remotely injured.

"Fred, what happened?! Are you hurt?"

Fred took a harsh breath, shaking his head. "No, no. I'm okay. It''s your arm, Rapunzel. It got your arm."

Rapunzel's right hand flew up to where her left arm should've been, realizing with horror that Fred was right. Her arm was gone. The sleeve of her robe was drenched in blood, all that was left behind was the shoulder. The basilisk had bitten her arm clean off.

As Rapunzel felt around the area, she quickly realized that the main wound had already closed over so she wouldn't bleed out.

"Oh, did I forget to mention?" Voldemort reminded them of his presence, feigning innocence. "The basilisk has quite the appetite. It might just eat Harry whole."


Rapunzel followed Tom's gaze to find Harry climbing the statue, a sword in hand that he definitely didn't have before.

Rapunzel could only watch as he struggled to climb, the rock slick with water, and one of Harry's hands occupied.

"Harry, be careful!" Rapunzel cried hopelessly. There really was no being careful at a time like this. You got eaten by a giant snake, or you didn't.

"I'm so sorry, Rapunzel." Fred frowned, unable to look away from the empty space in Rapunzel's sleeve where her arm should've been.

"It's okay, Fred." She assured him. "It's not your fault. It could've got any of us."

A loud, inhuman shriek grabbed their attention, they turned to look and found Harry had made it to the stop of the statue. Not only that, he had pierced the basilisk's mouth and right through its skull.

Rapunzel sighed in relief as Harry pulled the sword back out and the basilisk collapsed, her relief quickly fading when she saw that one of the basilisk's teeth had stabbed his arm.

She remembered in horror that their teeth were venomous.

Harry clambered down the statue, growing weaker with every step until he finally reached the ground. He staggered over to them and Ginny, collapsing to his hands and knees.

Rapunzel rushed over to him, hand hovering over the wound on his arm, paralyzed with anxiety.

"It hurts," Harry groaned, clutching Rapunzel's sweater in an attempt to find any sort of relief.

LUCKY FLOWER||FRED WEASLEY {REWRITING/MOVED}Where stories live. Discover now