YEAR ONE: Chapter Nineteen

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No matter how scared she was, Rapunzel wasn't going to let Harry deal with this on his own. The two of them held hands as they descended down the stairs and into the room, desperately searching for comfort from the other.

The saw a man with his back turned to them, gazing into the mirror of Erised. But it wasn't Snape, as they had expected. In fact, it was last person they expected. Quirrell.

Rapunzel's memory of that night had become quite foggy, likely her brains attempt to block out what had happened. It had all happened so fast. One second, Quirrell was revealing himself as Voldemort's proxy. The next, he was trying to kill them.

What Rapunzel did know...was that she killed Quirrell.

She had wrapped her hair around his neck and pulled. Knowing she had touched the stone, she put her hand against his face once she had yanked him close to her.

She had killed someone. It didn't matter how evil he was, that he would've killed them both if she hadn't. At the end of the day all she could focus on was that she killed him.

The others had known something changed in Rapunzel after that night. She was quieter, fidgety. Could never look someone in the eyes, her hands shook more often.

Remus had noticed it too.

Rapunzel had decided to sit alone on the train ride home, much to the confusion of her friends. She sat in the corner of the seat, curled up in on herself. Her gaze was glued to the world outside the window, but she was by no means unfocused on the world around her.

She was tense, constantly looking over her shoulder. Constantly wary. Of what? She wasn't completely sure.

The train began to slow as it arrived at Kings Cross station, and Rapunzel caught sight of her father standing on the platform. His hands were stuffed in his pockets and a wide grin graced his features.

Rapunzel was happy to see him, all she wanted now was to go home.

She rushed off the train, luggage trailing behind her. She made a break for her father, running into his open arms.

Her head rested against his abdomen as she wrapped her arms around him, almost in a death grip. Her fathers hands smoothed over the hair at the top of her head, and his happiness seemed to radiate off of him.

When they pulled back from the hug, Remus crouched down in front of Rapunzel to meet her gaze.

"How was it? Was it all you cracked it up to be?"

Rapunzel felt guilty. He seemed overjoyed, and he had thought that she had a fun and safe year. She didn't want to break that facade, she didn't want him to worry.

"Yeah, it was great!" Rapunzel plastered on a fake grin. "Had a lot of fun."

As the two of them made their way home, Remus knew she was lying. He knew something was wrong. He saw the way her face fell when she thought he wasn't looking.

He just wasn't sure why.

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