YEAR ONE: Chapter Seven

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Rapunzel gasped, sitting up straight as her hand flew up to the scar above her eyebrow. She frantically looked around in the dark, sighing in relief when she recognized her surroundings.

She was at Hogwarts. She was safe.

She heard Pascal squeak next to her from his little makeshift bed on the nightstand, giant eyes blinking at her through the dark.

"It's okay, Pascal. Go back to sleep," Rapunzel gave him a small, reassuring smile. She reached out and gently scratched under his chin before letting her legs dangle off the side of the bed.

The floor was cold, sending shocks through her legs, or at least it felt like it. Her dad always told her she was being dramatic when she complained about the cold floor.

She stood up, stretching her arms above her head; hearing her shoulders pop.

She grabbed her blanket, wrapping it tightly around herself as she began to creep out of the dorm, careful not to wake anyone up.

She shuffled down the stairs to the common room, freezing at the bottom of the stairs when she saw Fred sitting on the couch. It seemed he had heard her, turning to see the source of the sound.

Fred's eyes nearly bugged out of his head upon seeing the long trail of hair behind Rapunzel.

"Woah. That is...a lot of hair."

"You tell no one." Rapunzel warned him, sitting beside him on the couch, wrapping the blanket tighter around herself.

"Don't worry, not a word. I've seen weirder." Fred reassured her, taking some of the blanket and wrapping it around his shoulders.

"What are you doing up?" Rapunzel asked through a yawn, rubbing the sleep from her eyes.

"George dared me to drink coffee before bed. I've been up all night, I'm gonna kill him." Fred grumbled, making Rapunzel snort.

"Why would you do it if you know you shouldn't?" Rapunzel asked incredulously.

"It was a dare!"


"Maybe I'm an idiot, let's move on." Fred huffed, stealing more of the blanket. "What are you doing up?"

"Err...just couldn't sleep is all." Rapunzel lied. She knew he wasn't convinced due to her terrible lying skills, but she hoped he wouldn't push further.

Fred raised an eyebrow at her, likely seeing through her lie, but he didn't say anything.

"Alright...wanna stay awake together then?"

"Works for me."

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