YEAR ONE: Chapter Nine

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The mirror was...strange, to say the least. Her gut told her not to trust it, that it was dangerous somehow, and yet she was still sitting right in front of it with Harry beside her.

Harry had woken her up that night saying that he found something that she needed to see, panting and winded from crawling up the stairs-turned-slide. His invisibility cloak was draped over him loosely, and he seemed very awake for someone wandering the halls so late.

Harry had taken her and Ron to a room attached to the restricted section, completely empty except for an old, dusty mirror.

Harry said that he saw his parents in that mirror, that they were there, they were real, he must've thought they haunted it. But when Ron stepped in front of the mirror he saw something completely different.

Ron saw himself as head boy, shaking hands with Dumbledore himself. And apparently in that vision he was attractive.

Harry had been almost desperate at this point, asking Rapunzel to look in the mirror.

When she did, she saw a woman standing behind her. She couldn't tell who she was, her face was rubbed out like an eraser to pencil. But she could feel the warmth, the love coming from this woman.

"So? Do you see them?" Harry's voice reminded Rapunzel of where she was, what was happening. That it wasn't real.

"No, I...It's a woman, I don't recognize her." Rapunzel stepped closer to the mirror, trying to squint through the blur of the face. "I'm sorry, Harry."

Now as Rapunzel sat before the mirror, the faceless woman was kneeling behind her, brushing her hair. She could almost feel the brush, and she had to check a few times if it was actually happening.

"Harry, do you remember anything from before? Before you became The Boy Who Lived, when you were just Harry?" Rapunzel asked quietly, looking over at him.

"Not really. All I can remember is there was this...flash of green. I used to think it was a stoplight, I was told a car crash killed my parents. We both know that's not true." He turned to her, thoughtful.

"What about your parents?"

"Well, I've told you about my dad. My mum? No clue. I've asked him about her, but he always gets sad and doesn't want to talk about it." Rapunzel sighed, fiddling with the ends of her nightgown sleeves. "I don't even know her name. What she looks like."

"I'm sorry."

"Thank you."

Silence fell between them once again, both lost in thought, thinking of their parents and the lack of memories associated with them.

"Do you think...the woman I saw in the mirror is my mum?" Rapunzel broke the silence, voice meek as her stomach twisted itself into knots at the idea. She nervously took a strand of hair in her hands for comfort.

"Did you see her face?"

"No, it's all...smudged out. But she seemed so loving, I feel safe looking at her." Rapunzel reached up to her face and realized that she had started crying.

"Sorry," Rapunzel let out a watery laugh. "I didn't know it upset me this much." She furiously rubbed the tears away from her eyes.

"It's okay, I get it." Harry smiled sympathetically, scooching closer and wrapping his arm comfortingly around Rapunzel's shoulder.

"Thanks, Harry. You're a good friend."

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