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"So...are we gonna talk about it?"

"Talk about what?"


Fred was seated on his bed, Rapunzel wringing her hands as she stood in front of him. She really didn't want to talk about it, but she had to face it eventually.

"You lost your arm, I watched it happen! Then another one reappears and you saved Harry from death with...glowing hair." Fred furrowed his brow at the last sentence. "At first I thought I'd gone nutty but no, I'm pretty sure it happened."

Rapunzel sighed, sitting beside Fred with her hands folded in her lap. "Yeah, it did. You weren't seeing things. I know you have questions, so get them out now."

"Okay, first of all, how? Secondly, why did your hide that? Thirdly, arm?" He gestured violently to her regrown arm. "Lastly, that's actually super cool but I am very confused."

Rapunzel chuckled, still wringing her hands but feeling a little less anxious. "Well, I'm not sure how, I've always been able to do this. "

She brushed her hair behind her neck, revealing a dark strand shorter than the rest. "I hid it because some bad people want this power, and they'll do anything to get it."

"People like you-know-who?"

"Yes," she nodded solemnly. "The arm thing, I didn't even know I could do that, honestly. I just really hoped it would work."

"You didn't even know you could grow your arm back?!" Fred exclaimed.

"I've never had to heal a lost limb before, to be fair." Rapunzel shrugged. "That's a new thing for me. Remember when you noticed a scar that wasn't there before last year?"

"Yeah, why?"

"That wasn't an old scar. I got it the night before." Rapunzel grinned nervously as she saw the gears in Fred's head begin to turn. "Sorry."

"Wait wait, hold on. Why did Harry's arm heal without a scratch, but for you it scars over?" Fred gestured to the scarred hand, hidden in her sleeve.

"I don't know." Rapunzel simply stated. "It just did. It's always been that way."

"Huh," Fred hummed, reclining back on his bed in thought.

"Something new has been happening, though." Rapunzel pulled up both sleeves, holding out of her palms for Fred to see. "It started last night, after we left the Chamber."

Fred propped himself up, brow furrowing when he caught sight of the scar on rapunzel's scar. It was no longer a pale pink marring her skin, instead it had turned a brilliant shade of gold not unlike the glow of Rapunzel's hair; the light streaming through the windows bounced off of it and made it look as if it was shimmering.

Rapunzel's new arm wasn't much different, the same shimmering gold in the sun, but it seemed to form deliberate swirling patterns.

Fred unconsciously reached out for Rapunzel's palm, enamoured by the golden scar. "How does does that even happen?"

"I don't know either," Rapunzel admitted, pulling her sleeves back down. "I asked Dumbledore, he seemed just as confused as me."

"Hey, you could say you have tattoos." Fred snickered. "Seem super cool."

"Yeah, right." Rapunzel shoved his shoulder, before going quiet. "Thank you, by the way."

"For what?"

"For not freaking out too much."

"I didn't freak out!" Fred protested.

"Eh, you did a little." Rapunzel laughed at the offended look on Fred's face.

"Did not!"

"Teensy bit," Rapunzel held her fingers up, pinching the air. "Just a little. You didn't scream though, which is nice."

"Okay, maybe I was a little concerned," Fred emphasized, staring Rapunzel down. "But I wouldn't say a full blown freak out."

"Fine, you were concerned." Rapunzel dragged the word out teasingly, but her gaze was soft with her cheeky grin. She reached out, taking his hand in her own.

"Really, Fred. Thank you."

LUCKY FLOWER||FRED WEASLEY {REWRITING/MOVED}Where stories live. Discover now