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Remus sat at Rapunzel's bedside, hand smoothing over the lines in her forehead, brow creased with tension even in her sleep.

He felt bad, he had all but interrogated those boys on what they had been talking about before the attack. He knew enough about Dementors to know that they could cause old memories to resurface, and he couldn't let that happen.

Something was particularly severe about this attack, she'd been unconscious for hours, and he knew he was partially to blame. It never would've happened if Sirius hadn't escaped Azkaban, if Dementors hadn't come to Hogwarts, then he wouldn't have to worry about the consequences.

He'd just need to be more careful, keep a closer eye. He'd talk to Dumbledore about the Dementors, see about making them keep their distance. Who let those things on school grounds anyway?

His gaze slid to Rapunzel's wrist, where her mother's bracelet was fastened, and his frown deepened and his stomach twisted with guilt again.

"I'm sorry, Elise." He whispered. "But it's for the best. I hope you can understand."

He pulled his wand from the pocket of his coat, anxiously twirling it between his fingers. He was procrastinating. But he took a deep breath and aimed the wand at Rapunzel's head, his intentions set.


It took a moment, but Rapunzel's face eventually relaxed, the lines in her forehead smoothing and her brow unfurrowing. She smiled a little in her deep sleep, no longer tormented by nightmares and negative memories threatening to surface.

The guilt was momentarily forgotten when he saw just how happy and at peace she looked. If it meant that she would be the girl she used to be, before the world chewed her up and spat her out, he could live with that.

He leaned forward, pressing a gentle kiss to the crown of Rapunzel's head before he stood, tucking his wand away and heading for his room.

But he was foolish to think this illusion of peace would last forever, you could only erase so many memories for so long, and deep down he knew it. Perhaps it was cruel, but he'd do whatever it took to keep her oblivious to the tragedies of her life. Did she deserve to know? Yes. Could Remus live with himself if the truth broke her?

No, no he couldn't.

But one day, he wouldn't have a choice.

LUCKY FLOWER||FRED WEASLEY {REWRITING/MOVED}Where stories live. Discover now