YEAR ONE: Chapter Seventeen

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"No, Pascal. You can't come." Rapunzel sighed, placing Pascal back on the bed, only for him to squeak in protest.

"It's not safe, you could get hurt." She whispered, looking around to make sure she hadn't woken anyone up in the dorm.

Pascal scowled, squeaking at her once again.

"I know I could get hurt too, but you're tiny! If you get hurt you'll be a lot worse off." Rapunzel tried to reason with him. If there was anything to be said about Pascal is that he was stubborn.

"I'm putting my foot down, Pascal. You're not coming. Just try and go to sleep, alright? I'll be back." She reassured him, but he didn't look convinced.

"I promise I'll be back, ok?" She gently scratched the top of his head, and he chirped happily despite still being upset at her.

Rapunzel crept silently out of the dorm, having tied her hair into a large bun and two smaller braids to make sure it wouldn't drag behind her and wake everyone up.

Hermione, Ron, and Harry were waiting for her at the bottom of the stairs, keeping watch.

"Took you bloody well long enough," Ron grumbled when she finally arrived, letting out a large yawn.

"Sorry, Pascal really wanted to come and I had to convince him to stay behind. He wasn't too happy about it." Rapunzel whispered. "Are we ready?"

The floor creaked, and suddenly Neville stepped out from behind one of the armchairs.

"Oh no," Rapunzel murmured.

"I knew it, you were going to sneak out again." Neville fretted, almost sounding like he was about to cry.

"Neville, this is important." Harry tried to be as vague as possible. "We don't have time to explain."

"You'll just make Gryffindor lose points again, I won't let you! I'll...I'll fight you!" He stammered, feebly raising his fists into a defensive position.

"Neville, I'm really sorry about this." Hermione frowned, pulling her wand from her pocket and pointing it right at Neville.

"Wait, what're you doing?" Rapunzel asked, startled. She didn't get an answer, not a verbal one anyway.

"Petrificus Totalus!"

Neville suddenly became stiff as a board, legs stuck together and arms jammed at his sides. He wobbled dangerously for a few moments before falling onto his back.

Rapunzel rushed over to him, seeing that his mouth was jammed together and his eyes were the only thing that could move.

"What did you do, Hermione?!" Rapunzel exclaimed with horror.

"It's a full-body bind. Oh, Neville, I'm so sorry."

Rapunzel brought her arms under Neville and lifted him up onto the couch.

"What're you doing?" Ron asked incredulously.

"Would you like to be left stuck on the floor?" Rapunzel retorted, flashing Ron a quick glare over her shoulder before turning her attention back to Neville.

"Would you like a blanket? Err...Blink once for yes, twice for no."

Neville blinked once.

Rapunzel grabbed a blanket that was hanging off the back of the couch and draped it over Neville to keep him warm and as comfortable as possible despite his circumstances.

"I'm sorry, Neville. We'll explain everything later, I promise."


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