YEAR ONE: Chapter Four

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"Hermione..." Rapunzel whispered, gaze transfixed on the troll. "What do we do?"

Hermione didn't have time to answer the question as the troll suddenly noticed their presence and grew aggravated, letting out a guttural shout.

Hermione grabbed Rapunzel by the arm and yanked her into the stall with her, shutting the door so the troll couldn't grab either of them.

They both ducked down, shrieking with fear as the troll brought its club and swung at the tops of the stalls with a near deafening sound, raining wood upon the girls.

Rapunzel pushed through the wood despite the sharp pain shooting through her hand, and upon glancing down at it she saw a jagged cut across her palm.

The doors burst open suddenly, and much to the girls' surprise, Harry and Ron were stood in the doorway.

"Move!" Harry shouted over the ruckus, and he didn't need to tell them twice as they continued to shuffle through the wood pile. They didn't get very far as the troll smashed the rest of the stalls, raining more wood down upon them.

Harry and Ron started grabbing pieces of wood to chuck at the troll, hoping to distract it from Hermione and Rapunzel.

"Hey, Pea Brain!" Ron shouted, whipping a particularly hefty piece of wood at the troll's head, doing little damage but distracting it long enough for the girls to hide under the sinks.

The troll took notice of them and swung its club above its head. Hermione and Rapunzel both screamed, scuttling out of the way to the next sink just in time to avoid getting hit.

Rapunzel's heart was beating hard against her ribcage, she felt light-headed and sick to her stomach with fear. She had an idea about how to take down the troll but she couldn't do it when the troll was focused on her.

Harry pulled his wand from his robes and started towards the troll, grabbing at the club as it was being swung and landing on the trolls shoulders.

The troll, startled, started shaking rapidly back and forth to get Harry off of it. This didn't accomplish much except getting Harry's wand stuck in its nose.

"Yuck," Rapunzel groaned.

At first the troll tried to sneeze the wand out of its nose, but when it realized that wouldn't work it grabbed Harry and held him out in front of it by the ankles.

"Do something!" Harry pleaded, face turning red as all the blood rushed to his head.

"What?!" Ron asked incredulously, looking around the bathroom for anything he could use.

"Anything! Hurry up!"

Rapunzel saw her chance as Ron pulled out his wand, grabbing her own wand and waving it over her braids, causing her hair to cascade behind her and onto the floor.

"Swish and flick," Hermione guided Ron, who was terrified of messing this up.

"Wingardium Leviosa!" He cast it just in time, the club escaping the troll's hand as it swung down to hit Harry, hovering above its head.

The troll looked up, bewildered, only to have the club come falling down and knock it in the face.

"Cool," Ron grinned.

The troll dropped Harry, who managed to scramble out of the way as it started to sway back and forth and stagger around.

Rapunzel stood, grabbing a section of her hair and whipped it at the troll's ankles, causing it to wrap tightly around them; and with all the strength she could muster, she pulled as hard as she could.

With a loud, guttural groan the troll collapsed  right in front of her, head inches from her feet.

There was a beat of silence between them as they all looked at each other, and they all looked at Rapunzel's hair which was somehow way longer than they previously thought.

"Is it...dead?" Hermione asked uneasily as she came out from under the sink, keeping her distance from the unconscious troll.

"I don't think so, just knocked out." Harry said, apprehensively reaching for his wand which was still firmly lodged in the troll's nose.

"Eugh! Troll boogies!" Harry groaned, wrinkling his nose in disgust as he wiped his snot-covered wand on his robes.

"You might wanna stick that in the sink for a few hours...then never touch it again." Rapunzel joked, heart still racing from the events that had transpired moments before.

They were startled by a stunned gasp, and much to their surprise Professor McGonagall was stood in the doorway, hand on her chest. Beside her were Professors Snape and Quirrell.

"Oh my goodness!" McGonagall exclaimed.

"Er, hello Professor." Rapunzel said meekly, waving awkwardly.

McGonagall's gaze shifted to her, and her eyes nearly bugged out of her head when she saw the sheer amount of hair that she had.

"Explain yourselves, both of you!" McGonagall spluttered, turning her attention back to the boys, who started tripping over each other to explain what had happened.

"It's my fault, Professor McGonagall." Hermione interrupted them, much to everyone's surprise.

"What are you doing?" Rapunzel whispered.

"Miss Granger?" McGonagall asked in quiet disbelief.

"I went looking for the troll, I'd read about them and thought I could handle it. I even dragged Rapunzel along with me, to show her. But I was wrong. If Harry and Ron hadn't found me, I'd probably be dead." Hermione lied, taking the blame.

Rapunzel put a reassuring hand on Hermione's shoulder upon seeing the disapproving look McGonagall was giving her.

"Be that as it may, it was an extremely foolish thing to do. I would've expected more rational behaviour on your part and I am very disappointed in you, Miss Granger. Five points will be taken from Gryffindor." Despite the harsh sting of her words, there was a worried tenderness to them, like a concerned mother.

"As for you two gentlemen, I just hope you realize how fortunate you are. Not many first year students could take on a fully grown mountain troll and live to tell the tale! Five points..."

They all braced for more bad news, lowering their heads in shame.

"...will be awarded to each of you. For sheer, dumb luck!"

Rapunzel grinned over at Hermione, who had relaxed slightly as she realized there would be no further punishment.

"Perhaps you aught to go, it might wake up." Quirrell stammered with a nervous smile.

"So...the hair." Ron said once they made it back to the Gryffindor common room, which was luckily empty so no one would ask about what had happened.

"Before you ask, I don't know why it's this long, no I can't cut it, and no I don't want to cut it. It grows really fast, and the reason I can't cut it is a secret."

"Oh come on!" Ron whined. "You can't just say that and expect me not to be curious!"

"Lips are sealed."

"But Rapunzel!"

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