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Just before ya'll go mad about the age gap. The age gap in this story between the 2 in question is 20 years. Before you spaz out, the age gap between me and my husband is 22 years and we have kids so don't go running your mouths being offensive. 🙃

Time skip 16 years;

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Time skip 16 years;

"Oh god, not again!" Chun-Hei muttered as she opened the back door on the SUV to find her own newborn son had sicked up most of her milk within the last few minutes. With a big sigh she rummaged around in the changing bag for a muslin to wipe up the spit-up as her husband opened up the boot to fetch the luggage out. 

Within a few minutes, the trio were at the door to a pretty little cottage in a tiny village in the middle of nowhere.
"You know I really loved growing up here. I have so many fond memories." Chun-hei giggled as she knocked on the door and her beautiful parents opened up the door. 

"Mum! Dad!" Chun-hei grinned as she hugged Yn and Yoongi tightly.
"Oh my goodness! Is this my grandson? OH he is just...oh Jungkook he looks so much like you." Yn beamed with tears in her eyes. The dynamic in this family was odd to an outsider. 

Yoongi and Yn were Chun-hei's parents.
But Jungkook cared for Yn and Yoongi like he did his own parents as they'd looked after him like a son in their gang years despite the fact he was older than Yn. And now he was married to their daughter. After years of protecting her and spending copious amount of time together in Chun-hei's teenage years, they'd become close to the point they couldn't deny their feelings any longer.

Normally Yoongi would have murdered a man twice Chun-hei's age trying to marry her but with Jungkook it was different. He still looked so young and was still so young and playful at heart and he knew the bloke would never do Chun-hei wrong. He wanted nothing but to look after her and make her happy and now they had a beautiful little family together.

Chun-hei and Jungkook had faced some mixed feelings about their decision when it first came about but everyone soon accepted it for what it was and the wedding was quite the affair. It was huge and all of the boys turned up, and granny and all the house staff. It was the best, most care-free night of their lives. the best bit by far was granny forcing Jimin and Jin to dance with her. She get's more ferocious the older she gets.

Chun-hei stepped into the familiar cottage. She didn't remember too far back but she had what Jungkook had told her. When she was around 4, her parents decided they needed to stop living with granny and move somewhere Chun-hei had a place to grow that was their own. And so they purchased this little cottage outright and they spent their days together here as a happy trio. 

"Till you became a rebellious teenager and kept ringing Jungkook demanding that he come get you and take you out for a drive to the city because the countryside was too boring for you." Yn chuckled as she placed a tray of cups of tea on the table as they reminisced. They always made an agreement never to tell Chun-hei about her early years. She knew of Jungkook's past as he'd been honest, and it wasn't long before she found out about the other boys either. In her mind she knew her mum and dad were at the root of it all but it was like an unspoken thing. No one mentioned it. 

"So what are your plans then? Now you have this little one!" Yoongi grinned as Jungkook picked up the baby in his inky arms and Yn had flashbacks to when Chun-hei was tiny and Yoongi used to pick her up. A muscley tattooed man in a gang who was holding the most fragile little human. The only difference here is now Jungkook earned honest living building hotrods on a TV show so sure he still had a lot of money but now he actually earned it in an honest way. 

"We're going to buy a regular house, in a regular and street and live like regular people." Jungkook replied to Yoongi as he smiled at his sleeping son in his arms. 

"Sounds good to me." Chun-hei grinned at Jungkook and he smiled back. Yn and Yoongi glanced at each other and for a brief moment, their thoughts were in sync.

They did right by taking Koneko's advice and getting Chun-hei into a normal life as soon as they could, and Chun-hei did right by marrying Jungkook. She'd always be safe and none of them would have to do anything dangerous ever again. Now they could all live their lives out as a regular family with normal worries keeping them awake at night, like the dog destroying the furniture, or the cat peeing on the carpet.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18, 2021 ⏰

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