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Yoongi and the rest of the gang finished at the restaurant as Koneko left and went straight to Sehun. Exactly as Yoongi thought she would.

She sped through the streets in her car, arriving at a regular looking semi-detached house, down an ordinary street. The only thing that indicated money was the expensive car outside. Other than that no one would guess a mobster lived here.

Without bothering to check what time it was she slammed the door shut and strode right up to the front door, knocking loudly. Sehun himself opened the door to her. 
"Well well. If it isn't little Koneko."
"Cut the crap Sehun. I've just seen Yoongi and Yn and they're upto something."

Sehun turned all seriousness as he shut the door behind her and gestured to the living space.
"So. What's happened?" Sehun asked sitting in a plush arm chair as Koneko perched on the arm of a sofa. She didn't intend to stay long.
"Yoongi has just proposed to Yn. They're making their family ties stronger."
"Where did you hear this? I know that young lad and he wouldn't tie himself down for anything. I think it's a rumour."
"I saw it myself." Koneko said bluntly and began to explain what she's seen at the restaurant.

"My my my. This does make things interesting."
"Indeed. I think they chose to do it there on purpose so i'd come tell you, they know I visit that establishment often. Why they're doing this though, I don't know. I can't figure it out. There's got to be an ulterior motive on Yoongi's part at least." Koneko muttered tucking her short straight hair behind her pierced ears. 

Sehun leaned back in his chair and pinched the bridge of his nose.
"Making their ties stronger. I don't know if it's something to do with Yn's family. Granny has ties and history in the underworld we live in. Trouble is that all stopped when she had Yn's mother." Sehun muttered and Koneko looked like she'd been struck by lightening.

"Sehun! Wait! When did granny vanish from you life? Think really hard about this?..." Koneko saked and Sehun looked confused but leaned his head back and closed his eyes. Suddenly whipping them open a minute or so later.
"About nine months before Yn's mum was born..." He said grimly, realisation flashing across his face.

"D'you think?.."Koneko asked and Sehun shrugged.
"We'll have to look into it. In the meantime send out a message that no one is to harm them until it's been figured out. We need to fully understand what's going on here." 

And with that Sehun was gone up the stairs leaving Koneko stewing on the sofa. There were so many possibilities and complications in their plans if what the suspected was true. Was Yn's mum Sehun's offspring? If so this threw all their plans into the air.
"I guess there's still the old-time fashion of honour killing in families if it's all true." Koneko smirked as she stood up and left the house. She wasn't going to let Sehun's wish of revenging Jaehyun go that easily.

Meanwhile back at the granny's manor house, Yoongi was tearing his hair out. As soon as he'd kissed Yn and Chun-hei goodnight, telling them he had a few things to do before bed granny pounced on him like a hungry bear.

Yoongi was just trying to sit and play cards at the table, smoking and drinking with his boys to relax after a chaotic evening. Granny decided she was going to join in too. Yoongi rolled his eyes and scooted his chair along a little allowing space for granny between him and Jin.
"So when's the wedding? Are you going to have more kids? What underwear will you buy her to go under her dress? Make sure it's something that's easily removable for your wedding night-"

"GRANNY JESUS CHRIST!" Yoongi shouted exasperated. She was hard work this evening.
"I don't know when the wedding is, funnily enough we haven't set a date 5 hours after the initial engagement. No we're not having any more kids, wait till one of the maids ends up, up the duff, I'm certan it'll happen-" his gaze flitting to his boys who were notorious for sleeping with granny's house staff, "- Yn will be choosing her own uderwear because it needs to be suitable for her dress. And for the love of god please, I beg of you please stop thinking about our wedding night. It's weird."

"But you're such a handsome lad." Granny grinned and Yoongi facepalmed. 
"Granny. You are something else." Jimin laughed as he quickly dealt the cards to stop Yoongi from being harassed and embarrassed any further by granny. 

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