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Yoongi sighed inwardly as he pulled up outside one of the most expensive restaurants in town. It wasn't open yet but he could guarantee his dad was sat in a ridiculously posh office upstairs. 
"Get Chun-hei out." Yoongi instructed as he hopped out the car and Jungkook nodded as he  obeyed the order and grinned at the toddler holding his arms out as he unstrapped her and hopped out with her setting her on his hip.
"Ayyee, c'mon cutie! It's time to meet grandaddy!" Jungkook cooed and Yoongi face palmed.
"Pack that shit in right now. Don't utter a word until i've said anything," He barked back to the six behind him.

Yoongi pushed open the doors and all six men flooded in behind him, Jungkook still holding Chun-hei.
"Sorry sir we're not open...yet." The girl trailed off as she fumbled with her tray in her hands from setting tables as she laid eyes on the men. She didn't recognise him as the owners son, all she recognised was a gang of scary men forcing their way into the closed restaurant.
"Sir!" She shouted loudly, panic in her voice and Yoongi rolled his eyes as there was a loud commotion on the stairs and thundering footsteps as men were rushing towards them down the halls.
"DAD IT'S ME." Yoongi's voice a bored drawl and the footsteps slowed to a walk and a moment later his dad came around the corner flanked by four men.
"Dad.." The girl muttered to herself looking from Yoongi and his group to her boss and she put the pieces together, feeling silly she turned red in the face and quickly resumed what she was doing.

"Son? Sit down, to what do I owe the pleasure of this visit?" He asked gesturing to a large round table as the eight sat down, Chun-hei still on Jungkook's lap playing with his silver bracelets, and his own men stood behind him, an ever looming defensive presence. 
"Can I just get to the point?" Yoongi asked and his dad sat back in his chair, sighed, sat up straight, placed his hands linked together on the table, looked at each one of the boys in turn with a nod of acknowledgement from his left to his right.
"Namjoon, Hoseok, Seokjin, Jungkook and unknown child, Jimin, Taehyung and my own son Yoongi...So what's my grandchild called?" His dad's gaze ripping into his soul.

Yoongi swallowed nervously, his dad was one of the only people in this world who made him nervous.
"She's called Chun-hei. How do you know she's mine?" He said clearly and the toddlers attention was drawn at the mention of her name as she looked up from Jungkook's jewelry to all the eyes staring at her. His dad chuckled as he sat back crossing one leg over the other in a relaxed fashion.
"Because she looks exactly like you son-" He chuckled and Yoongi felt a little at ease at his dad's easy laughter as he continued "-so. Why're you visiting me? I'm sure it's not just to introduce my first grandchild two years late is it?" He asked and Yoongi shook his head and began to explain everything that had happened.

His dad sat straight and cleared his throat.
"My my my. That is quite a story son. Have you told Yn about this?"
"Absolutely not."
"I'd say that's wise for now. At least keep it quiet till you have a plan."
"But what do I do? I came here for help. I'm lost dad.." It pained him to admit it but if he wanted his father's help he'd have to be humble and honest. 
"Well, your daughter is the great granddaughter of someone who's out for a rivalry kill on his late son who happened to be a half uncle to Yn, a half brother to your girlfriend's mum which also makes Sehun Yn's grandfather, and Chun-hei now links the rivalry families together. What a fucking mess." He sighed as he stood up.

He walked around the table to Jungkook and held his arms out for Chun-hei and Jungkook glanced worriedly at Yoongi who gave him a nod to ensure him it was okay and Chun-hei was given to him. 
"So, my first grandchild is now in danger. So much drama at the age of two huh?" He smiled at Chun-hei who looked at him curiously and then at Yoongi.
"It's okay chunk." He reassured with another nod and Yoongi's dad had a twinkle in his eye.
"I've got a plan son." He smiled as he stood Chun-hei on the table and she looked around confused, unsure of what to do she toddled towards Yoongi who caught her and settled her on his lap as his dad began to relay a plan that had just formed in his mind.
"If Sehun wants to play the family card, then that's exactly what we'll give him." He grinned and the boys all gulped nervously. 

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