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Time Skip 2 Years;

Poor Jungkook was on the verge of tearing his hair out. Chun-hei had grown into quite the sassy 4 year old and helping her with her first set of homework wasn't easy.
"Chunk, maybe if you-" Jungkook tried to suggest something but she held a hand up for silence.
"Stop bossing me around or I'll tell my daddy!" She sassed and Jungkook smirked. She was almost a dead split 50/50 of Yoongi and Yn. Clever, sassy, pretty and even at the age of 4, she didn't take anyone's shit. 

"Hey! You asked me for help remember!" Jungkook whined in protest, she may be younger but she was still Yn and Yoongi's daughter. In the underworld, the mob bosses daughter is still above him. Not that it mattered. They all spoiled her rotten and gave her everything she wanted anyway. They never said no. Jungkook was about to offer another solution but it was too late.

Chun-hei had hopped off the chair, slapped her hand on the book dragging it off the table and stormed off shouting.
"NAMJOON? I NEED YOU TO DO MY HOMEWORK!" She shouted and Jungkook laughed when somewhere else through the house another shout replied.
"ASK NICELY SWEETHEART!" Yn shouted and Jungkook laughed even more as he stood up when another shout was heard.
"NO DON'T ASK NICELY. YOU NEED TO DO IT YOURSELF!" Yoongi hollered back and Jungkook crashed into granny as he entered the hallways.

"What on earth is going on?" She asked looking up at him and he explained that Chun-hei was trying to boss Namjoon into doing her homework. They were just about to start talking again when Chun-hei came stomping back. Long black pigtails bouncing on the sides of her head.
"Kookie? I'm sorry. Can we try again?" She asked with a pout and he grinned. He always was her favourite. 
"Of course. Let's try again without the stropping." He suggested as he picked her up and carried her into the dining room to sit with her at the big table without any distractions.

Later that evening they had all eaten dinner at the large table in the dining room. In total there were 11 including Sehun at the table. In the last 2 years he'd proven his allegiance and was a strong member of the family, he even attended Yoongi's wedding. They all retired to the games room. 

Granny, Sehun, Jin, Jimin Tae, Jungkook, Namjoon and Hoseok all settling to play cards as one of the maids wheeled over a trolley with many glasses and liquors on it. Granny lit up a cigarette and settled into her chair next to Jimin. She was settling for a long evening of drinking and gambling. Yoongi was sat with Jin who had Chun-hei on his lap as she played on her tablet. Yn had gone into the kitchen to do some baking. A new hobby she'd found since she fell in love with their wedding cake. 

There was plenty of chatter and laughter until Sehun stood up.
"Yoongi. I need to go check up on Nanook. Are you coming? He owes me some money and i'd like it back." Sehun said with an evil smirk and Yoongi grinned.
"Funnily enough he owes me money too. We shipped him drugs over a month ago and i've seen no rewards from him for it yet. Hoseok, Jungkook get ready to leave." Yoongi said standing up and walking over to a drawer in a dresser of the games room. 

He opened it and quickly started slotting bullets into two magazines and slotted them into the bottoms of two handguns. He was incredibly fast and a few clicks later he was ready to go.
"Dual wielding. Someone means business." Hoseok grinned as he checked his own ammo in his gun before putting it back in his holster concealed inside his black jacket.

"I'm not planning on using both together. It's just quicker than reloading if it gets messy." Yoongi replied and stopped midway on shutting the drawer before opening it again and loading another two magazines and slotting them into his pockets.
"Daddy. That's 60 rounds of ammo are you sure-"
"Chunk baby. Don't ever question me okay? It's been enough years and I think we both know daddy is aware of what he's doing. Now let me kiss you goodbye." Yoongi said gently as he bent down to kiss her.

It wasn't long after they left when Jin checked his watch.
"Chunk, we'd better get you to bed ya know." Jin muttered and held his hand out for the tablet and Chun-hei handed it over willingly as she stifled a yawn. Jin had just stood up with the precious girl in his arms when there was a smash.
"Well done Namjoon. That's another glass gone." Granny muttered and Namjoon looked wounded as he opened his mouth to reply and his face turned into one of horror halfway through his sentence.
"It wasn't m- JIN GET DOWN!" Namjoon hollered and there was a bang followed by a flash as Jin tucked Chun-hei's face into his shoulder and turned his back to the blast as he dove to the floor, squashing her in the process.

Jin couldn't see or hear anything, he was completely blind. He couldn't make out any noises, everything sounded like he was underwater and he couldn't balance at all. It was like he was drunk but he hadn't touched a sip that evening. He felt around for Chun-hei who was screaming, suffering the same state as the rest of them. It was Jimin who came too first.

His vision was blurred like he was swimming under the water and he clumsily stumbled his way over to Jin and Chun-hei as his legs struggled to do what he asked. All he could focus on was getting Chun-hei somewhere safe. He managed to bend down and bat Jin's flailing arms away from her and pick her up, stumbling into a heap behind the sofa.
"Chun-hei it's okay. Jimin's here!" He called loudly, trying to make sure she could hear him and know she was safe. As his vision came too he realised there wasn't much damage done. Just everyone grabbing gun's and stumbling around.

"A fuckin' flash grenade? What the hell?!" Jimin shouted when he figured it out alerting the others to what has taken place. They were all on high alert as Taehyung stumbled over to the burning patch on the carpet shouting about a note.

The infiltrator watched from the darkness of the garden, they were all still too woozy to notice that she'd placed the note on the broken table from the blast. It had worked perfectly. In their stunned state she'd gone through the window, tugged a ribbon from Chun-hei's hair and placed it with the letter. Taehyung was attempting to read it. At this point she left unnoticed.

"Some people may have let it go but I won't. A child for a child." Taehyung readout and granny tutted.
"Boys take Chun-hei upstairs and you're all to stay with her. My house staff will stay on alert down here. Jin ring Yoongi and tell him he needs to come back right away." Granny instructed seriously taking a handgun from a drawer and walking over to the window to try see what had happened. 

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