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Ybf's shooting had gone better than Yn's and she could already drive which left Yn alone with Yoongi to finish off her lessons. Next up on the list was driving lessons. 

As Ybf, Yn, Yoongi and Hoseok walked from the back garden through the building to the front of the house there was silence between Yoongi and Yn as Ybf and Hoseok hopped into his car and drove off.

Yn glanced at Yoongi with a lost expression.
"Where are they going?"
"Honestly Kitten? I aint got a fuckin' clue. Let's just continue on. Give Chun-hei to Taehyung for a while. She needs a nap and you need to concentrate." Yoongi stated as he walked away onto the driveway with the keys to the dodge ram as Yn sauntered back into the house with strict instructions to Tae about nap times fo Chun-hei as he waved her off happily for her driving lesson. 

As Yn came back out her face fell as she saw Yoongi leaning against the side of the truck, casually swinging the keys around his finger in a bored way

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As Yn came back out her face fell as she saw Yoongi leaning against the side of the truck, casually swinging the keys around his finger in a bored way.
"We're not driving the Gwagon?" And a scoff left Yoongi's mouth as he stood straight and opened the door, looking over his shoulder before getting in.
"No. We need something a little more indestructible for you so the Dodge Ram it is..." His words blunt causing Yn's shoulders to droop as she sluggishly made her way to the passengers seat and slumped into it with a pout making Yoongi chuckle.

" His words blunt causing Yn's shoulders to droop as she sluggishly made her way to the passengers seat and slumped into it with a pout making Yoongi chuckle

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"Hey. If you do well in this, you can drive anything later on. This is best for now okay?"
"No. You can't pacify me with words. Just...take me wherever were going." Yn snapped and Yoongi raised an eyebrow as he leaned across the centre console and grabbed her chin, a playful smirk on his face.
"Don't get sassy with me."
"Or what?" And Yoongi laughed in delighted disbelief.
"Sass again and you'll find out, or you can kiss me and say sorry." His voice deep and serious, his grip on her chin tightening ever so slightly and Yn swallowed trying not to find this thrilling.
"Fine. Sorry." her voice laced with sarcasm but Yoongi did get the kiss he was after so let it slip as he drove the truck out of the driveway and into a large field not to far away at the back of granny's land.

It was late into the evening when all the boys minus Hoseok were in the garden, Chun-hei in Jungkook's arms sleeping peacefully as Yoongi picked Yn back up off the floor a heaving, breathless mess.
"Again." Yoongi demanded placing her ungracefully on her feet.
"Yoongiiii. I'm too tired!'
"Shut up baby. I said again and you'll do it again!" He barked as Jimin bobbed to a fro on his feet happily awaiting another round. The other boys wanted to step in and help. Yn was a bad shot with a gun but a good fighter, she was however unfit and another sparring match with Jimin might just push her past her limits, it wasn't easy for them to watch.

She was like their baby sister and seeing her so tired was hard, however her boyfriend was also their boss and it wasn't their place to call it off. One more round it was.
"You've got this Kitten. You're tired right?" Yoongi asked in her ear gently, rubbing the small of her back in a soothing way as they both watched Jimin happily bobbing about, waiting for them.
"I'm so tired." Yn sighed.
"Good. Use that to your advantage."
"How is being tired an advantage?!" Yn snapped quietly and he laughed gently.
"Because it's a good motivator. You've had enough, so just think. Land one hit on his face and you're done. If you're so tired use that knowledge you've only gotta hit him once on his face to spur you on. You got this." And with that he kissed her cheek, and gave her a pat on the butt as he walked back to the sidelines next to Jungkook as he smiled happily at his precious lil'chunk sleeping in his youngest members arms peacefully, laughing at her pudgy face squished in her sleep against Jungkook's bicep, cooing about how cute his lil'chunk is.

" And with that he kissed her cheek, and gave her a pat on the butt as he walked back to the sidelines next to Jungkook as he smiled happily at his precious lil'chunk sleeping in his youngest members arms peacefully, laughing at her pudgy face squ...

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Yn was in the zone. She was knackered but Yoongi was right, she could use her fatigue as a motivator, she was fighting with Jimin, who was of course supremely gentle with the girl using practically no force and mostly just dodging her advances. They were both concentrating until there was a commotion as they both heard Yoongi practically growling with rage at the side of their makeshift ring of men.

And just as Jimin was distracted Yn's fist connected with his jaw.
"Ow shit!" Jimin hissed his brows furrowed as he cupped his jaw turning around to see what the commotion was.

Yoongi was storming towards Hoseok and Ybf in the garden who was sporting her first tattoo.

On her right thigh..

Of a Koi Carp...

"Oh fuck." Yn groaned as she sprinted towards her raging boyfriend to try calm him down. 

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