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Chun-hei didn't feel like behaving. All she knew is she wanted her dada. She was an absolute daddy's girl. 

She grabbed a hold of her teddy and clambered ungracefully off of her toddler bed. She glanced around the room, dimly lit by a night light. Given the circumstances most kids would love to stay in her room, it had cost thousands and looked like a hot air balloon.

 Given the circumstances most kids would love to stay in her room, it had cost thousands and looked like a hot air balloon

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But Chun-hei didn't care. She just wanted out to find Yoongi. She pulled open her door and padded along the landing calling gently.

She peeked in a few rooms but it was all dark and the closer she got to the stairs the more laughter she could hear. She sat on the top of the stairs and bumped down them on her bum one at a time. 




Until she landed in the grand hall of granny's house. She wobbled on her feet and ran across the hall with a big grin on her face as her bare feet made little slapping sounds. She followed the sounds into the red and gold room where the boys would often spend free time playing cards with granny. 

She pushed the door open and peeped in, there he was.

Her dada in all his glory, big smile, happy face.

Without a second thought about the fact she was supposed to be in bed she burst into the room dragging the teddy on the floor.
"Dada!" She squealed happily and went running over abandoning the teddy to make grabby hands as she put his cards on the table and opened his arms for her, scooping her up in a big hug as he kissed her pudgy cheeks.
"Why are you awake chunk? Dada put you to sleep aaages ago." He cooed brushing her nose against his.
"Missed dada." Chun-hei yawned and Yoongi couldn't stop the smile from bursting onto his face. 

"Missed you too Chunk. Are you going to stay up with me and the boys? We just won't tell mummy." he smiled as he settled her on his lap as Jimin passed her the teddy she yeeted on the floor just moments before. 
"Boys!" Chun-hei grinned and clapped happily as the boys smiled at her, Tae reaching across to tickle under her chin as Granny raised an eyebrow.

"Yn won't be happy you know."
"And why's that witch?" Yoongi asked picking up his cards, holding them tightly as Chun-hei smacked at them excitedly.
"Because, you handsome little dolt, she's been working at Chun-hei's sleeping schedule."
"Pft. I don't think napping with her in the middle of the day counts. It's fine. She's daddy's princess. She can do what she wants." Yoongi muttered kissing the top of her head as he prised a card from Chun-hei's hand and laid it down to a chorus of groans.

"Are you really going to let your two year old gamble?" Granny asked and Yoongi nodded.
"Yup. Because ya'know...she's really taking it all in." Yoongi replied with a roll of his eyes as he gestured at Chun-hei chewing on a card and slapping the soggy queen of hearts onto the table.
Granny cackled.
"I like you Yoongi. Messing with a mother and a toddlers sleeping routine takes spunk."
"Well granny. I've got plenty of that, ask Yn." And the table burst into laughter as granny grinned and poured more whiskey in her glass.

"So i'll get more grandchildren then?"
"Don't count your chickens old lady." Yoongi snapped as he pushed the whiskey bottle further away from Chun-hei's eager hands.
"Well, you just said you've got plenty of spunk" Granny retorted with a cocky expression and Hoseok burst into fits of laughter.
"And that I have granny. But I won't be using it to please your needs your absolute whack job. I swear, any more weird talk about my spunk and i'm sending you to a care home." Yoongi replied as he slapped a card on the table.
"You just want my house." Granny grinned, loving the banter and Yoongi chuckled.
"Absolutely I do. Once you're gone I just gotta knock off Yn's mum and dad and it's hers, and if it's hers it's mine."
"Not till you're married kid." Granny laughed hard at Yoongi's sudden blush.
"It's hot in here..." He muttered burying his face in Chun-hei's black hair, staring intently at his cards. 

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