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So, quite a few of you left comments and sent me messages about the last chapter, saying that Yoongi and Yn should have shot Koneko and her cronies before they left but there's a good reason they didn't.

They were even in numbers but better off by one gun, however that was only because Yoongi was dual wielding handguns which would make him a hell of a lot less accurate, that and Yoongi's an intelligent man. If what Koneko said is true and Sehun has gone to the house with his men, Yoongi will need all of his gang with him when he goes back to the house. 

Therefore starting a shootout with Koneko and her gang was a bad idea as they most certainly would have left with a couple of casualties from that stand off and Yoongi didn't want that. He wants his gang in full health for when they head back to the house. Yn and himself can always go back for Koneko later.

Does that make sense? I hope so.


Granny was sat happily in Chun-hei's room, peacefully lost in her thoughts in the rocking chair when Hoseok, Taehyung and Namjoon came bursting into the room.
"Granny! Get Chun-hei somewhere safe now! Quickly!"
"Why? What's happening?" Granny asked he scratchy voice calm as ever as she remained rocking in the chair. Namjoon rolled his eyes.

"Jesus christ granny! The house is being raided! Can't you show a little urgency?!" He hissed as he grabbed her arm pulling her out the chair as Taehyung gently scooped up Chun-hei, keeping the tubby two year old wrapped in her blanket as Hoseok sprinted out the bedroom door with his gun in his hand before a commotion started downstairs.

"Oh. Someone's trying coming in?! How fun." Granny chuckled. Tae and Namjoon looked at each other worried. Has granny lost her marbles?
"Put Chun-hei back in the bed. Block her door from the outside so she's the only one in here." Granny's voice suddenly serious as she wielded her gun, pulling the magazine out and re-loading it expertly causing Tae and Namjoon to swallow.

Granny had definitely lost her marbles.
Off her rocker.
Mad as a box of frogs.
"Granny! We can't if anything happens to Chun-hei Yoongi'll ki-" But granny cut Tae off.
"No one will make it this far lovey. Do as I say." She said, quietly confident as she sauntered out the door with a twisted smile.

"FUCK!" Namjoon cursed running after her and Taehyung shrugged and put Chun-hei back in the bed and shut her door. Barricading it from the outside as he casually perched his rear on the chest of drawers he'd shoved in front of her door. Well..someone had to guard the door with their life and Tae shrugged as he sat there and scratched his head listening for the chaos to start ensuing downstairs.

Namjoon caught up to Granny who was stood at the top of the double sided staircase looking down towards the doors. What he saw was not what he'd imagined. He stood open mouthed as the oldest members of the house staff were all stood behind walls, plants and doors with weapons, or to be more accurate guns apart from the cook who was armed with knives. 

He gently tapped granny's arm.
"Spit it out you moron." Granny muttered as she watched the door ready to give out under the weight of the men bashing against it, but Namjoon was lost for words. He met eyes with Hoseok crouched at the bottom of the stairs behind a pillar that started the bannister. He shrugged at Namjoon who rolled his eyes.

They all knew granny was hiding something but they never anticipated this.

The door gave way and there was a massacre in the hallway as a hail of bullets was exchanged from both sides, dead bodies bottle necking in the doorway. Granny tugged Namjoon's sleeve and whistled loudly getting Hoseok's attention as she ushered him up the stairs, the house servants fire easily covering him from danger. He reached them breathless.

"What's going on?! We need to-"
"Shut up. We need to get to the back. While this is happening here more will be coming in the back. We need to be quick." Granny muttered squeezing the handle of her gun as she jogged through the hallways and made her way downstairs using a set of old servants stairs at the back of the house,designed way back when to keep servants from being seen as they went about their day. She instructed Namjoon to stay at the bottom of the stairs.
"You're protecting Tae from here. The staff are protecting him from the front. He's protecting Chun-hei. He's the most important person here, if he's safe, Chun-hei's safe."

The boys nodded as Hoseok followed granny to the back of the house where a smash was heard. One of the large glass doors was smashed in the games room as two men came clambering in, unbothered, not afraid at the two pointing guns their way. Sehun stepped in and brushed his suit off.
"Long time no see Yuna."
"Shit granny. That's your name?!" Hoseok hissed and she kicked him gently, a sharp reminder to focus.

Sehun grinned at Granny as she scowled.
"It's been a long time since I've seen you pointing a gun at me Yuna."
"Granny? You know Sehun?!" Hoseok groaned quietly under his breath, gun still aimed as granny nodded slowly.
"I thought you'd retired from this world ya'know Yuna?" Sehun asked casually, perching on the edge of an armchair.

"Don't get comfy." Granny snapped.
"So. Why are you aiming a weapon at me Yuna? I thought your sharp shooting days were over?" Sehun asked casually, dusting his hands off on his trousers.
"They were, until my granddaughter happened to wind up with Min Yoongi."

Sehun laughed loudly.
"Ahh yes. How the strings of fate wind people together eh? Jaehyun wanted Yn, Yoongi already loved her. Yoongi killed my only son causing me to take back over his territory and seek out revenge and it led me here to you. My old flame Yuna, the grandmother of Yn, the reason Yoongi killed my son in the first place..."

Hoseok was flapping his mouth open and shut like a fish gasping for air. This was a lot to process in one go. 

Granny used to be in a gang.
A gang that used to fight Sehun.
Sehun used to love granny.
Sehun is out to revenge Jaehyun by kidnapping granny's grandchild.
Jaehyun was only killed because he wanted Yn. 
In a twisted way Yn had been in gang life all along by ties with granny. 

Hoseok had a headache just thinking about it.

There was suddenly a worrying amount of silence from the front of the house and loud footsteps thundering down the hall. A lot of footsteps. Sehun suddenly stood up as he heard shouting.
"Oh, parties over. Time for me to leave. Mission unsuccessful tonight but we did find some rather interesting things out." Sehun said with an evil grin as he rushed back out the room as Yoongi came bursting in just in time to see Sehun and the other man rush out the broken door.

"SEHUN GET BACK HERE NOW YOU FUCKING PRICK!" Yoongi roared running after him shooting into the dark garden but it was too late. Sehun and the other man had hopped onto motorbikes and started to speed across the grounds, through the broken fence where they'd crept in while the distraction at the front of the house was being put into plan, and sped across the countryside behind the house.

Yoongi went flying back in to run and grab car keys to the truck to follow them but was grabbed by granny.
"Don't bother. Chun-hei's safe!"
"I want to kill that fucker. He's after my daughter!" Yoongi bellowed in granny's face but Jimin piped up.
"It's too late boss! By the time you get to the truck he'll be long gone! Besides we got a lot of mess to clean up..." He muttered looking at his hands covered in blood where they'd had to fight their way to the back of the house. 

We'll get back to some fluff soon I promise but I need to get important story parts in. 

Listen, lil' chunk [COMPLETE]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ