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As Sehun was guided to a chair in one of the living spaces, it was only a matter of minutes before all six men were in the room, Jungkook being upstairs with Chun-hei and Yn. Sehun had to admit that although they were all dressed casually in jeans, jumpers and t-shirts from not expecting his visit, they still had a very threatening aura about them. All five of them flanking Yoongi as he sat in a chair opposite Sehun. 

"What do you want Sehun?" Yoongi asked. His voice level not giving away how much his heart was thumping against his chest from the fright and adrenaline of Sehun turning up. Yoongi had to admit going back a few years he wouldn't have worried the way he did, having a family to worry about was gonna age him, he was sure of it. 

"I need Yuna in here. This involves her." Sehun replied, blunt and to the point. Yoongi met Namjoon's gaze and nodded.
"I swear if you try and hurt this old woman." Namjoon growled a warning under his breath at Sehun as he passed. It was only a few moments after when Namjoon appeared with granny.

The boys couldn't help but notice she seemed as calm as ever and then it hit Yoongi. Of course she was calm, she'd know Sehun for years and she wasn't even close to being afraid of him last time he tried to raid the house either. Granny nodded a calm greeting to Sehun before sitting in an armchair next to Yoongi that Jimin had quickly moved for her. She may be spritely and fiesty but she was still old and would need to sit down. 

As casual as ever granny lit up a cigarette, took a long drag of it and relaxed into the chair crossing one leg over the other. Yoongi had to admire the old woman's show of nonchalance.
"So why are you here Sehun?" Yoongi asked now granny was seated and acting like her usual self.

"Yuna?-"Sehun asked waiting for granny's attention. She took another casual drag of her cigarette, breathing it out slowly through her nose before turning her gaze to him for him to continue, "-Yn's my grandchild isn't she?" He asked deadpan and there was a mixture of moods in the room. The boys all glancing at each other, and from Sehun to granny who was grinning as the atmosphere became tenser than they thought possible. Yoongi sat up a little more and rested his elbows on his knees, steepling his fingers as he chewed his lip.  

Granny let the silence hang as she continued to smoke, unworried by the glances everyone was giving her. Sehun remained unworried by her silence, he knew her well and expected her to drag it out and enjoy the drama. It was Yuna after all, she'd always been this way.

Granny stood up causing everyone except Yoongi to glance at her. He was too busy watching Sehun, every move he made Yoongi was ready to kill him where he sat, regardless of ruining the vintage velvet armchair he was sat in. 

"It's taken you so many years to figure it out Sehun. I always had you down for a more intelligent man than this. I hope you're happy that you've caused your family so much trouble lately with your ignorance-" Granny continued as she went to walk out she stopped in the doorway and turned back to look at Sehun, "-Also let me properly introduce you someday to Yn, Chun-hei and her husband Yoongi. They're all family now so I expect you understand what this means?" She asked facing forwards not needing to look at him to know his face would be twisted in shame. 

"I'm an honourable man Yuna. I won't harm my family!" Sehun snapped standing up and granny turned around with a grin.
"Then you'll shake the young man's hand and swear on your life that his family and friends are safe." Granny's face stern as she held Sehun's gaze. 

Sehun may have killed people but he was no different to Yoongi. He'd only done it for work or revenge and would never harm his own family. It was an unwritten loyalty rule. He turned on his heel and met Yoongi's gaze holding his hand out.
"We may have had misunderstandings kid, but now we're family. As long as you promise to look after me, I'll look after you." Sehun said to the younger man and Yoongi slowly took his hand and they shook.

It seemed like such a small gesture but in this world it was monumental. Yoongi'd just made ties and peace with someone who wanted to kill him and his family. He'd just strengthened his gang by making peace with Sehun and being able to work with him rather than against him. He'd expanded his safe territory by joining forces with him and more than anything he felt relief. 

Yn and his lil'chunk were now safe from harm.

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