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Yoongi glanced at his expensive gold watch that adorned his inky skin and rolled his eyes.
"What's taking mummy so long lil' chunk?" He asked the chubby toddler as she sat on his lap. Yoongi wrapped his arms around her tiny frame so they could both see the colourful book held in his hands as he read aloud to her.

Chun-hei laughed loudly and Yoongi broke out into a gummy smile.
"Wonky donkey!" Chun-hei repeated and laughed, causing Yoongi to laugh with her.
"That's right chunk. Honkey tonkey winky wonky donkey. Daddy's struggling to fit all those words together." He chuckled leaning forward a little, kissing the top of her head as his large inky hand turned the page, a cacophony of pleasing sounds and scents hit Chun-hei. 

The sound of his bracelets jingling  as they hit the large silver charm bracelet he always wore, the crackle and swoosh of the page turning. The smell of his freshly washed curly dark hair, the sound of him chuckling under his breath, the tinkle of his earrings hitting the others that housed the same ear, and smell of his cologne as he disturbed the air around him by moving. 

This was all topped off by the sound of her mother's voice that she could hear coming from down the hall. She promptly stopped paying attention to her dad reading about a donkey and averted her eyes to the doorway just in time to see a real-life princess walk in.

Yoongi looked up when he realised that Chun-hei wasn't paying attention, and nearly choked on thin air.
"You look nice." He squeaked as he tried to reign in his coughing fit whilst Chun-hei turned in his lap to give him a weird look before hopping down and running across the room to Yn. 

"Mummy!" She grinned happily squidging her pudgy hands together waiting to be picked up. Yn quickly scooped the toddler up and kissed her cheeks.
"You look like a little princess!" Yn smiled. Chun-hei was dressed in an ivory dress that had puffy sleeves with a petticoat underneath and a dark purple satin sash tied around the waist. Her hair had been left down with her fringe clipped back with a pretty bow, the same colour and material as the sash. It stood out wonderfully against her black hair. 

"She looks like a princess because you look like a queen." Yoongi grinned as he got his shit together, picked his jaw up from the floor and stood up to head over to his girls.
"Princess, queen, king!" Chun-hei said proudly, pointing at herself, Yn and then Yoongi making him roll his eyes.

He hated mushy shit but from Chun-hei he'd take it all day. He grinned and nodded.
"If that's what you think lil'chunk then of course." He smiled as he placed his hand on the small of Yn's back and started to guide her out the room towards the front door.

Yn tilted her head slightly as she saw everyone stood by the door waiting to see them off. She bristled and was instantly suspicious, she hadn't donned a dior gown to go to dinner with everyone. She was under the impression the dinner was just the three of them and yet all the boys and ybf were all dressed up. 

Yoongi tried to suppress a smile as he saw Yn tilt her head slightly, raise her eyebrow and jut her hip out.
"Get in the car wench. They've all got plans." He said playfully smacking her bum as she continued to walk out the door with Chun-hei.

Yoongi took one last look at them and then at Namjoon and granny.
"You all remember the time and place right?" He asked quickly.
"Yes now go!" Jungkook hissed aggressively as Jimin swiftly nudged Yoongi's shin to get him moving before Yn looked back and got more suspicious than she already was.

Yoongi hopped into the G-wagon and picked Yn's hand up kissing the back of it causing Yn to yank it back, a little thrown off causing him to laugh.
"Just keeping up appearances. You're a queen remember? Isn't that right lil'chunk?" He called into the back, his gaze not leaving Yn's red face as Chun-hei agreed loudly with a large thumbs up accompanied by a big grin. 
"Right answer kiddo." He smiled quietly to himself as he started the engine and pulled away from the house, heading towards one of the busiest, most expensive restaurant's in town to make this one of the most memorable nights of Yn's life. 

I love and hate what i've got planned for this book kids.

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