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As Jin drove up the drive and pulled up outside the manor house he chuckled as his eyes landed on Yn by one of the windows. He glanced across to Yoongi.
"Looks like you're in trouble." He grinned.
"I highly doubt that." Yoongi scoffed as he swung open the door instructing Jungkook to grab Chun-hei. He grinned that familiar bunny type smile at the toddler who grinned back holding her arms out.
"Let's gooooo!" Jungkook sung as he pulled her out of her car seat and lifted her into the air like a rocket causing her to laugh loudly as Yn came flying out the door.

"Lovely to see you too. Watch your mouth." Yoongi growled as he walked towards her and grabbed her face shutting her up right away. He let go and carried on walking past shouting over his shoulder for granny's whereabouts.
"She's in the kitchen!" Yn hollered back, a look of utter confusion on her face as they all waltzed in giving her smiles and nods as they went seperate ways to their rooms. Last in was Jungkook with Chun-hei.

"Who pissed in his cheerios?" Yn asked as she took Chun-hei kissing her cheek.
"Eh. No one really, the blokes just had a stressful afternoon." Jungkook smiled as he jogged off leaving Yn stood by the open front door with the toddler.

"Well. Lord knows what's wrong with all them." Yn muttered as she shut the door with Chun-hei on her hip and the small girl just wriggled to get down. Feeling a little sad that her daughter was abandoning her already Yn huffed sadly as she placed Chun-hei on the ground asking her where she was going.
"Daddy." Was the only word she muttered before toddling off.
"Chun-hei! You don't know where he is." Yn pointed out loudly and the little girl stopped and turned around.
"Where daddy?"
"In the kitchen with granny." And with that Chun-hei jogged off, her chubby hands curled into fists as she ran towards the kitchen. 

Yoongi was already deep in conversation with granny about what happened and what was said.
"Huh. So he wants to use Koneko as a bit of a pawn then?" Granny asked leaning against the side watching the young man dressed all in black as she took a long drag of a cigarette thoughtfully. Yoongi nodded as he pulled a bottle of water from the fridge.
"Indeed he does, and to be quite frank, I think it's a good idea."
"And why's that?" Granny asked pushing off the counter to pour herself a glass of wine as she persistently got in the cooks way.
"Because, you nosy old hag, it saves me a lot of leg work. Right? If Koneko uses the few brain cells she has rattling around in her fucking pea head to figure it out, she'll go running to Sehun like the brown nosed little twat she is and I won't have to get within any sort of distance of the bloke until it's at the point where it needs to be settled."

Granny took a sip of wine and stayed silent which worried Yoongi. If she was silent she either had something stupid to say or something up her sleeve to throw his plans.
"So what's your next step then?" She asked as Chun-hei came padding into the room.
"Daddy!" She grinned holding her chubby hands out as Yoongi placed the bottle of water on the side and picked her up.
"You've spent all day with me. Where's mummy?"
"Not know."
"It's 'I don't know' and okay." He corrected as he settled her on his hip and turned to granny. He knew she was expecting and answer.
"Find Koneko and tell her she needs to look at all her family before she or Sehun hurts one of them."
"How will you find her?"
"Oh granny it won't be hard will it now?" Yoongi chuckled and granny grinned.
"Nah. Daft little bitch can't keep her head out of anyone's business. She won't be hard to find." Granny muttered with a grin sipping at her wine as Yoongi left with Chun-hei.

She sat on a chair and looked at the cook who looked back, a silent conversation happening between them till granny spoke up.
"I'm thinking the same. He plays a dangerous game that boy. It's what makes him so charming." She cackled as the cook rolled her eyes.

Sorry it took so long to update babies.
I haven't put any gifs as i'm using the macbook not my phone.  

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