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Koneko was sat watching Sehun tapping away at a computer. She sighed agitatedly.
"Sehun? Stop looking into it so much. Nothing should come between revenge for your son." She snapped standing up to see what he was doing.

He was slowly filling in an intricate family tree.
"Koneko. If Yn's mum is indeed my daughter, that makes Yn my grandaughter. Furthermore, that makes Chun-hei my great-grandchild."
"YES I GET IT!" Koneko snapped and added that she would still knock off Yoongi the second Sehun asked her too.

Sehun stood up slowly and leaned in towards Koneko who suddenly looked nervous. She was completely taken aback when Sehun kissed her, once, gently.
"Wha-!?" Koneko spluttered as she touched her lip where he'd just kissed. 

Sehun grinned a nasty grin and grabbed her chin, looking directly into her eyes.
"That's a kiss of death and rest assured my pretty little thing. If you touch my family without my saying so, you will die and i'll do it myself." His voice gentle but Koneko understood the severity of his words as she watched him walk out of the room.

She was fuming. Absolutely fuming. How could such a big mob boss let go a vengeance kill so easily? For his own son no doubt. Sehun had been ready to kill Yoongi for years and yet he was willing to drop it just like that over a baby and a marriage. Koneko didn't care they were family, Jaehyun was family but that suddenly seems to have been forgotten. She screamed in a frustrated way and threw the nearest thing at the wall. 

She stood still taking a few deep breaths and picked up the picture she'd thrown turning it over in her hands to see a distorted Jaehyun through the glass.
"I won't let it drop Jaehyun. I won't I promise. Over my dead body is this ending just because Yn got knocked up and married to Yoongi. " She breathed setting the picture straight and leaving the room, composing herself as she left. 

Later that evening Chun-Hei was running around, bare feeding pattering on the marble floor by the front door as Hoseok chased after roaring like a monster.
"I'm coming to get you chubby cheeks!" He growled playfully as Chun-hei squealed with delight, her chubby fists pumping back and forth as she ran as fast as her little legs would carry her.

Yn looked up from her book a few rooms away and smiled to herself at the happy sounds.
"Who'd have thought they were mobsters when they act like this." Ybf smiled and Yn giggled agreeing that, when they were relaxed at home playing with a toddler this way it was hard to imagine what they were capable of. 

As Chun-Hei was running around like a loon she was suddenly scooped into Hoseok's arms as there was a knock at the door and a second a loud commotion that she couldn't figure out. She just looked over Hoseok's shoulder to see a man at the door as one of the house staff opened it. Hoseok went running down the hall towards the back of the house, speeding past Yoongi and Chun-hei saw the confused look on his face.
"Daddy, door!" She shouted laughing as Hoseok's rocket shipped her all the way to the back, away from the visitor as Hoseok shouted for Yoongi to get to the front.

Yoongi could sense the tone of Hoseok's voice and walked quickly to the door. His heart leapt into his throat as he rounded the corner and saw Sehun stood at the door to the manor house. He instantly pulled a gun out and aimed it as Sehun stood in the door way. Yoongi was shocked when he held his hands up, completely defenceless.
"BOYS!" Yoongi shouted and a mere moment later Jin and Taehyung appeared along with the cook from the kitchen, all with hard-set faces, ready to fight at the sound of Yoongi's voice, guns drawn.

"Easy boy. I'm alone and unarmed. I just want to talk to you." Sehun said slowly, his voice steady and even. Yoongi gave the nod to Tae and Jin who grabbed Sehun roughly, shoving him against the wall and searching him from head to toe.
"He's clear." Jin said glancing at Yoongi who gave another nod to let the man go.

Jin and Tae let go but didn't leave Sehun's side, ready to act if he did anything.
"What do you want?" Yoongi growled and turned to the cook, "Tell Jungkook to take Yn and Chun-hei to a different part of the house." He added assertively and the cook nodded before jogging off. Sehun cleared his throat.
"There's no need. I'm here to talk not harm. I need you and Yuna." Sehun said evenly and Yoongi scoffed.

"Fuck you prick. Like I'm taking any chances with my wife and kid." Yoongi spat signalling with a jerk of his head for Sehun to follow him, closely guarded by Jin and Tae making sure he was up to nothing. Meanwhile the cook was bombing around the house hiding Yn and Chun-Hei along with alerting the other boys to get downstairs. 

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