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A week before school started, Isa crashed on her bunk, tired from a full day's training. Her feet were sore from standing on them all day, and she was ready for a goodnight's sleep. However, she was a fool to think that she would get a dreamless sleep.

It was really dark, so Isa couldn't tell exactly where she was. Her only source of light was the moonlight shining through a barred window, and a small barred door. She looked around and saw thick cemented bricks, a dusty, thin, and barely usable bed, a metal bed tray bolted into the wall, and a bundle of paper on the floor⎼the Daily Prophet. Outside of the cell, there were other people crying and shouting like psychopaths. With these details alone, Isa knew she was in some sort of prison cell. A wizarding prison cell.

Upon hearing the waves crash violently against each other, she walked towards the window, only to jump and scream in surprise when she saw a fragile and unkempt man slumped on the floor. The man looked as if he was locked up in the cell for years⎼which he probably was.

His hair was matted and full of soot that reached up to his waist. He was in black and white striped prison clothes which were ratty and torn apart and hung off his body due to how thin he was. Speaking of thin, the skin on his face was so tight that you could make out his skull. Fortunately or unfortunately, the man was asleep. He was, however, muttering something in his sleep which did not make much sense to Isa. "He's at Hogwarts. He's at Hogwarts."

If Isa saw him on the streets muttering like that, she would've ran the other way like her life depended on it.

Crazily enough, Isa decided to approach the man but regretted it as his actions almost gave her a heart attack. The man shot up in his sleep like a bullet and stared out the barred door cell in horror.

"No, no," the man pleaded, his voice hoarse. A sign that he has not used it in years.

In a blink of an eye, the tousled man became a large, black, shaggy dog. But the dog was unnaturally thin. It sent tingles down Isa's spine upon seeing its bones, and the tiny waistline.

Her attention on the dog was taken away when she heard a weird sort of breathing behind her. At first, she thought it was Darth Vader from Star Wars or just someone with bad Asthma, but what she saw was definitely not what she was expecting.

Right outside the barred cell door were two ghosts. Not ghost ghosts like the one in Hogwarts or the ones that Mortals think ghosts look like with the white blankets draped across their body. This one looked similar. Instead of a white drape, was a black drape. Its face was unseen by its hood. No other features were seen except for a hand protruding out from under the cloak. The hand was greyish, slimy-looking, and scabbed as if it died decaying in water.

Then Isa started to feel cold. Goosebumps and shivers ran throughout her body. From the top of her head all the way down to her fingertips and toes. It didn't feel like the winter cold, it felt worse. A mixture of swimming in a frozen lake in December during a blizzard, and the feeling of being lonely. That's how it felt. Numbness, guilt, sadness, pain, and anger washed over her as horrid memories flashed through her eyes.

"Come on!" Grover cried at the four kids.

Annabeth was being carried by Luke as she tripped and twisted her ankle. Isa was running right on their tail, Waves gleaming in the light. It looked kind of funny seeing her carry a three-foot-long sword since she was so tiny.

"We won't make it!" Thalia called out, behind Isa. "Grover, take them to camp. I'll hold them back."

"Thalia, no!" Isa cried out, stopping in her tracks to face Thalia. Tears trickled down her face. "I'm not leaving you to die."

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