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Madam Pomfrey insisted that the two Potters stay for the weekend to keep a closer eye on them, and the two didn't argue against it. What bothered the matron to the core, however, was the fact that Harry didn't allow her to throw away the remains of his broken broom. When Isa heard of that, she felt bad for her brother. He had a deep connection to that broom.

The two would get visitors. Hagrid sent the two earwiggy flowers which looked like a bouquet of yellow cabbages. Ginny made Harry a self-made get-well-soon card that sang shrilly unless Harry shoved it under his bowl of fruit. Isa teased Ginny endlessly for that while she would just blush, but the ginger also made her a card, just not as special as Harry's. The Gryffindor team came back on Sunday morning to visit Harry, this time with Oliver Wood who told Harry (in a very hollow, sort of dead voice) that he didn't blame him. Isa also laughed at him which resulted in Oliver glaring at her.

"What?" Isa asked Oliver who had his eyes set on her.

"You managed to score eight goals. How?" Oliver asked as if Isa created a huge crime for which she was guilty.

"I'm just that awesome!" Isa said, threw a grape into the air, and caught it in her mouth.

"But the storm should've affected your throws."

"Should've," Isa pointed out, pointing a finger at Oliver and raised her eyebrows, "but it didn't. You know, Oliver, the sooner you accept it, the sooner you will realize that I am just that good! I mean, you do know my dad was a Chaser, right?"

Isa slightly cringed at that. She wasn't sure if James would accept her as a daughter but she definitely accepted him as a step-father. Just not as a father. No one would ever replace Poseidon, and she felt like she was betraying him by calling James, 'dad'.

"Yes," Oliver said, glumly but scanned his eyes over her as if he'll find out why she was able to score so many points.

But before Oliver could say anything else, the Hufflepuff team burst inside the hospital wing carrying a bunch of food that they got from the kitchens.

"Perks of being a Hufflepuff." Cedric winked at her.

Ron, Hermione, and Nolan stayed by their best friend's side throughout the day, and would only leave at night. Then when the castle was sleeping, Draco would sneak in quietly, and talk to Isa who would wake up because of the weight on her left arm. They'd talk till the dead of night, eating the food the Hufflepuff team brought her and would joke around until Draco would have to go back to his dorm to get some sleep. Isa had to fight him almost every night to get him back to his dorm.

"Draco, it's almost 3 am. You have to go back to your dorm and get some sleep," Isa told him.

Draco frowned. "But I don't wanna go yet."

"We've been talking for hours," she pointed out.

"And we can talk some more!"

"But you need to get some sleep."

"Can't I stay with you?" Draco pouted.

The look on the boy's face made Isa's heart twinge that she had to look away from him⎼yet she forced her eyes on him. She grabbed onto his hand and squeezed it. "You need to go back to your dorm and get some sleep. I wouldn't mind you staying here with me, but then Harry and Madam Pomfrey are just somewhere over there. If they wake up and see you, we're gonna be in a lot of trouble."

Draco groaned into the mattress. "Fine. I'll go back."

Isa patted his head. "Good boy. You can visit me tomorrow if Madam Pomfrey doesn't release me yet."

The Adventure That Lies Ahead | PJO x HPNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ