Prologue 2

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October 31, 1981


The day everything went south for the Potters and those close to them.

Lily Potter came back downstairs after putting her daughter to sleep. She came down to see her two boys snuggled against each other on the couch as James was reading Harry a Muggle story. Lily insisted on exposing Harry to the Muggle world. Her husband wasn't against it as he, himself, was intrigued by them.

Lily sat down on Harry's other side and started listening to James tell the story of the very hungry caterpillar. She closed her eyes when all of a sudden there was a bang! coming from their front yard. The two parents knew who it was. Voldemort.

That explained why Lily and James had been feeling uneasy that day, and Isa was also fuzzier than she normally was.

"It's him!" James exclaimed, looking at Lily with fear and determination in his eyes. He knew he didn't stand a chance against him, but he wouldn't allow anything to happen to his family. "Lily, take Harry and Isa and go! It's him! Go! Run! I'll hold him off!"

Lily hurriedly picked Harry up, who surprisingly wasn't crying although he could tell something was wrong. She took one last glance at her husband. His unruly black hair and his hazel eyes which were hidden behind rectangular frames were imprinted into her mind before she ran upstairs.

The door burst open revealing Voldemort. James cursed silently as he realized he left his wand on the kitchen counter when he got some milk for Isa and Harry.

"AVADA KEDAVRA!" Voldemort cursed. The last thing James Potter saw was a flash of green light.

Lily Potter ran up to Isa's nursery and panicked when she saw what was inside... or rather, lack of. Her daughter was gone from her cot where she last placed her.

'Poseidon,' she thought. 'He must've known and taken her somewhere safe.'

Lily plopped Harry down inside the crib they placed inside her nursery just for Harry since he liked to spend time with her.

"Be brave. Be strong," Lily whispered to her son. "Momma loves you. Dadda loves you. Be brave. Be strong, Harry James."

There was a loud bang from the door. Standing there was a cloaked figure with fearful red eyes and a complexion of a snake.

"Move aside, Mudblood!" Voldemort spat, his wand raised.

"Not Harry! Not Harry! Please⎼I'll do anything⎼"

"Stand aside. Stand aside, girl!"

"No. Have mercy! Please!"

Voldemort had enough of her. "AVADA KEDAVRA!"

Just like her husband, Lily's body fell with a thud as a bright green light emitted throughout the whole room. Harry started to cry, knowing something was wrong with his mother.

Voldemort sneered down at the crying child, not noticing the other empty cot. He couldn't believe that this child would cause his downfall. "AVADA KEDAVRA!"

The same green light burst from the tip of his wand, but as it hit Harry, it immediately bounced back and hit Voldemort square in the chest and caused an explosion to happen throughout the house.

Voldemort crumpled into nothing but black smoke as it creeped out of its way out of Godric's Hallow like a snake. The Potters' house was barely standing. A huge hole was on its roof, caused by the explosion. Only a crying infant was the only living thing left inside as he cried for his mom, his dad, or anyone really.

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