Prologue 1

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July 31, 1980

On this day, James and Lily Potter brought a beautiful baby boy into the world.

"Hello, Harry James," Lily said softly to the little bundle of joy in her arms.

"He's perfect," James told his wife as he planted a kiss on her head, but his teary eyes were trained on the little boy. "Thank you."

"For what?" Lily asked him.

"For giving me a son."

December 1980

On this day, Albus Dumbledore arrived on the front steps, asking the Potters for a very big favor.

"Professor!" Lily said, rocking Harry back to sleep. "What are you doing here?"

Dumbledore sighed. "I understand if you don't want to accept this, and want to spend more time with your son, but we are down one Order member. Remus is in the North with the other werewolves, and Sirius is on another mission with Alastor. As much as I hate to say it, you two are the only Order members we have left."

"What can we do?" Lily asked.

"A suspected Death Eater is trying to recruit other witches and wizards from America. We need you to try and figure out who he or she is."

Lily nodded before looking down at the baby in her arms, avoiding her husband's eyes. "I'll do it."

James's eyes widened. "Lily, no! I'll do it. You need to stay here with Harry where you're safe."

"No, James," Lily told him softly as she shook her head. "I want to do it. I need to get out of here."

Truth be told, Lily Potter was tired of being cooped up inside her home. It was driving her mad. Her recently giving birth just made it worse. She loved James dearly, but she needed to be free, and she needed to get out of her house.

James wanted to argue.

"James, please," she pleaded, her eyes becoming more doe-like.

He didn't like it one bit but reluctantly agreed. "Fine."

"Very well. You will be going to Montauk beach," Dumbledore said, handing Lily a piece of parchment. At the mention of 'beach', Lily couldn't help her heart from doing a little leap. "You must leave tonight and come back after five days. No more than that."

And with that, he left.

James avoided Lily's eyes and instead looked at his sleeping son.

"You have to understand that I can't be here forever. I have to get out, especially after giving birth. I can't handle it. I need to get out."

Her husband knew he was fighting a losing war with her, so he just nodded. "Just be safe, please. I can't lose you."

"Always," Lily mumbled before planting a passionate and loving kiss on her husband's lips.

That night, Lily left Godric's Hollow to head to Montauk beach. When she arrived, she decided to look for the house she was going to stay in for the next couple of days. Unfortunately, she couldn't find it.

'I look like a fool,' Lily thought to herself.

"Excuse me," a deep and husky voice said from behind her. "Are you lost?"

Lily turned around and her eyes widened. Standing behind her was a tall and handsome man with black hair, a neatly trimmed black beard, a deep tan, and beautiful sea-green eyes that were surrounded by crinkles that told Lily he was prone to smiling. He was wearing Birkenstockson his feet, khaki Bermuda shorts, a Tommy Bahama shirt with coconuts and parrots all over them, and a cap decorated with fishing lures which says, 'Neptune's Lucky Fishing Hat!'. Weirdly enough, he was carrying a golden trident that was as tall as him if not, a bit taller.

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