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5 Years Later

Isa had just finished her sword-fighting lessons with Luke when she saw Annabeth by the Big House. Yes, she teaches older campers because there are not that many campers who are younger than her. She's nine years old after all.

Isa probably already knew what Annabeth was talking to Chiron about⎼asking for a quest. She's been begging Chiron for years to allow her outside camp, but he always refused. Either that or she was asking him about the thing that the satyrs and Chiron have been discussing. Even Isa was trying to squeeze some information out of them. Ever since the summer, she heard about something being stolen and needing it to be returned by the end of the summer solstice. Naturally, Isa and Annabeth were curious.

"Hey," Isa greeted as she climbed up the stairs to the Big House which led to the wrap-around porch. "What are y'all talking about? Actually, I already know the answer to that."

"Grover's out searching for a new camper," Annabeth told her.

"Okay... and?" Isa asked, already knowing this information.

"Nothing," Annabeth said but Isa knew it wasn't 'nothing', so she raised her eyebrows at her friend. "Fine. What if he's the one?"

Out of the corner of her eye, Isa spotted a black-haired, skinny, and tan boy struggling to carry an unconscious Grover who was muttering about enchiladas. She, Chiron, and Annabeth exited through the door to see the boy's eyes looking dazed.

"He's the one. He must be," Annabeth said as he passed out on the front porch.

"I feel like you're just saying that because you're desperate," Isa teased in a playful manner earning a slap in the arm from Annabeth.

"Silence, Annabeth, Isa," Chiron said. "He's still conscious. Bring him inside."

Annabeth and Isa nodded. Annabeth went to help Grover while Isa went to help the boy.

"Come on. Up you go," Isa said, yet she knew the boy was barely conscious due to his dazed eyes. She hauled him up, wrapped his arm around her shoulder, and carried him into an empty room inside the Big House.

After Annabeth came back from dropping Grover off at the infirmary, Chiron left them to watch over the boy whose name is Percy Jackson. Isa sat down on a chair at the foot of the bed, propping her foot on the mattress while Annabeth was feeding him Nectar. As she was doing so, she told Isa all the information she knew, but it was no new information to her.

Annabeth suddenly shushed Isa who wasn't even talking. "Shh! He's waking!"

Surely enough, Percy's eyes started fluttering open to reveal strikingly similar sea-green eyes.

"What will happen at the summer solstice?" Annabeth demanded.

"What?" Percy managed to croak out.

Annabeth looked around as if scared someone would just walk in or something. "What's going on? What was stolen? We've only got a few weeks!"

Somebody knocked on the door, and Annabeth stuck the spoon inside Percy's mouth once again making Isa snicker. It was just Chiron and Grover, who was now awake. Isa could tell Grover was sad about passing out before he could get Percy into camp, and about Percy's mom who was killed by the Minotaur. Grover told her and Annabeth about it. Later on, they carried Percy out to the porch swing on Chiron's orders.

Isa was walking around camp, just coming from the arts and crafts cabin. She wasn't a good artist, but she could do handcrafts, that's all. She can't paint, she can't do pottery⎼ironically seeing as how her last name is Potter⎼and she can't make sculptures like the Athena and Apollo campers do. No, Isa just does handcrafts like weaving. She just finished a cute blue, white, orange, and pink chevron friendship. The whole point of making one is to give to friends, but Isa doesn't. She had friends, yes, but she liked wearing them either as a bracelet or an anklet. She was that type of person who has a shit ton of accessories on her wrists, anklets, and some around her neck.

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