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The next morning, the three girls had to combine forces to wake the sleeping Potter. Normally, Isa was one of those freaks who could wake up without an alarm. The only reason why she did that was because she had a routine that she had been following for years. But now that she was somewhere else, her body was still adjusting.

"Isa, get up!" Olivia shouted in Isa's ear then whacked her with a pillow.

"I'm too comfy," Isa whined and buried herself deeper into her covers.

Sophia tried to yank it away from her, but Isa had a death grip on it.

"If we don't get going, we're going to miss breakfast," Stella said pointedly with her hands on her hips. Out of all the four, Stella White was the mother of the group. Isa usually wouldn't eat breakfast right after waking up since she never had an appetite, but she would never miss the opportunity to eat.

"Alright, alright, fine!" Isa grumbled and laid on her back, looking at the ceiling before groaning out loud and forcing herself out of bed. She looked to the left to see that the girls laid her uniform out making her nose crinkle. "Do I really have to wear all those... layers?"

Isa didn't mind wearing the blouse, skirt, and house tie, but she didn't want to wear the vest and robes.

"Yes, that's the uniform. Now hurry up," Stella said as she pushed her into the bathroom. "We only have twenty minutes left."

Isa did all she needed. Brush her teeth and hair, wash her face, and put on her uniform, but as she was about to put on her tie, someone started pounding on the door and shouted, "Isa, we really need to go!"

Isa cursed under her breath before she decided that she'll just put the rest of her uniform on inside the Great Hall, she could care less. She does that camp. She'd walk into breakfast either barefoot or in just socks with her shoes in her hands and sometimes her pants would be unbuttoned.

"Okay, I'm coming!" Isa shouted as she threw her pajamas into the hamper that was labeled 'Potter'.

"We better bring our things with us. We might not have enough time to go back for them," Sophia piped up.

The other girls hummed as Isa placed her tie around her neck, wore her vest lazily, and dangled her robes from her arms as she threw her backpack over her shoulder.

As she descended the stairs to the common room, she saw Nolan sitting by the fireplace. Once he heard footsteps, he whipped around and said, "Finally! Only took you forever!"

"Yeah, yeah," Isa said and linked her arm with his before pointing to the exit. "To the food we go!"

 As they walked to the Great Hall, a lot of whispers and looks were sent her way. Isa was used to these types of things, so she was able to ignore it but that didn't mean it didn't bother her. There were students up and about already. Third years and below all buzzing with excitement while fourth years and up were all still groggy and lazy especially the sixth and seventh years.

They spotted an empty spot on the Hufflepuff table where the rest of the first-year boys were sitting. There were only three Hufflepuff boys. Those being Nolan Clarke, Mason Roberts, and Dylan Hughes. Mason was a lanky and average height boy with a mop of curly, brown hair and blue eyes. Dylan Hughes had a bit more muscle to him and had black hair with very hazel eyes.

Isa plopped down on an empty seat in between Nolan and Mason as she made a reach for the cereals.

"Not a morning person, are you?" Nolan teased as he handed her the cereals and milk.

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