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Isa saw the look of shock and dislike on the faces of Annabeth and Percy when they saw camp. It changed.

As they made their way to Big House, no one said, "Welcome Back" to Percy or Annabeth. No one even acknowledged them which was different. Campers would usually greet each other once they come back for summer. Some did double takes when they saw Tyson, but most just walked grimly past and carried on with their duties - tuning messages, toting swords to sharpen on grinding wheels. The camp felt like a military school.

Isa also got a better look at Percy and Annabeth. To say the least, they changed. Like matured change. Percy lost majority of his baby fat, only slight baby fat in his cheeks, his black hair was still as messy as ever though shorter than it had been. He was becoming less lanky and a bit more muscular, and he had broader shoulder, more of like a swimmers build. And his skin is a shade tanner though not that noticeable. But the most significant thing was his height. From 5'1 during their quest last summer to 5'3.

Annabeth matured as well. Her princess curled blond hair which was shoulder blade length 9 months ago is now mid back length. All her baby fat gone and she grew. 5'0 now 5'2.

They couldn't say the same about Isa though. Yes, she changed. Her hair growing a bit longer, much more tanner skin which they suspected was from staying under the sun for too long and a bit more sun freckles. Isa also got a bit more muscular. Her arms a bit more toned and she gained very slight curves to her body. She still stayed 5'0 though which wasn't surprising; but what was surprising was that she had a missing tooth! Although it was a baby tooth and not a permanent one. She looked kinda funny without it. She couldn't blame them though because even Isa found it funny. 

Isa was always a beautiful girl, and they loved Isa but they couldn't really say she looked as beautiful as she used to. She had deep, round black marks under her eyes, her eyelids were slightly droopy. They suspected this was because she was exhausted and barely got any sleep since she started to feel uneasy during the start of the year. And the lines on her face more prominent than ever which can only be caused by stress. They also saw how much more serious she looked. Before you could still see the joking manner in her eyes, but now it was fading. Although she still joked around, her resting face was a bit more serious.

Tyson was fascinated by everything at camp. "Whasthat!" He gasped.

"The stables for Pegasi," Percy said. "The winged horses."


"Um... those are the toilets."


"The cabins for campers. If they don't know who your Olympian parent is, they put you in the Hermes cabin — that brown one over there — until you're determined. Then, once they know thy put you in your dad or mom's group."

He looked at Percy and Isa in awe. "You... have a cabin?"

"Number three." Percy pointed the low grey building made of sea stone.

"You live with friends in the cabin?"

"No. Just me and Isa," he said. Isa could tell Percy didn't feel like explaining and from the slightly red tips of his ears, she could tell he was embarrassed. Well could she blame him? They weren't even supposed to be alive. The 'Big Three' gods — Zeus, Poseidon and Hades — had made a pact after World War II not to have any more children with mortals. They were more powerful than regular half-bloods. They were also too unpredictable. When they got mad they tend to cause problems. You could clearly see that with Isa... both the power and unpredictableness. The 'Big Three' pact had only been broken thrice — once when Zeus sired Thalia and twice when Poseidon sired Percy and Isa.

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