chapter two: off the rails

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"But Nat!" Aurora whined, dragging out the 'a'.

"But Rory!" Nat micked nudging the girl's shoulder, laughing at her behaviour.

It had been about 2 weeks since Steve's surprise visit and not much progress had been made in 'operation: bringing home bonky', but life goes on and currently the two women were walking around the S.H.I.E.L.D Helicarrier, looking for a certain archer. They had just returned from a week-long mission in New South Wales, Australia. It was an undercover mission to get information on an Italian Gang that were hiding out in NSW. Of course, they both succeeded and all members were in prison where they belong.

"It's not fair! Why do I have to fill out the mission report and not you?" Aurora continued to rant. Today was not her day. First of all, her alarm didn't go off and she woke up later than usual. Then, her car broke down and she had to walk to work and ended up being half an hour late. Finally, Fury piled all of his paperwork on her desk and gave her the mission report to fill out by herself.

"Because, you were late." Nat stated as if it were obvious.

"As if it was my fault!" Rory exclaimed, pouting, looking like a kicked puppy in that moment. Nat softened immediately, and put her arm around the younger girl's shoulder in a quick embrace before letting go and putting her usual blank face.

As they turned the final corner to the training room, they saw their friend Clint Barton. Aurora, Natasha and Clint were Fury's top agents (apart from Agent Hill, who was most definitely his favourite) and were all very close friends. Aurora was one of the few people who was trusted enough to know about Clint's family and she visited about once a month as their beloved 'Aunt Rory'.

"Clinton Francis!" Aurora yelled, getting his attention immediately.

Clint put his bow down and turned around to look at them, an unamused look on his face.

"Rory!" He frowned. "Why must you insist on calling me that?"

"Is it not your name, Francis?" She replied, raising a brow.

He just rolled his eyes, she was impossible. Though his lip quirked up a bit at the smaller agent, who always seemed to make everyone's day just a bit better.

"How was the mission?" He questioned, already knowing the answer but asking anyway.

"It went fine, as usual." Was Nat's monotone response, not that he expected anything else.

"Fine? Nat, it was amazing! We got the information so quickly, it was so much easier than usual and it was truly amazing pretending to be sisters for a while! And then after the mission, we got a few days to look around and we met this sweet old lady called Edna and she baked us cookies and then-" Aurora began to ramble, the two older agents were used to her constant ramblings and learned to tune her out, so that's what they did.

"-and then Edna tried to set Nat up with her grandson, who was very cute by the way but her granddaughter was much hotter, but Nat said no because she's absolutely smitten for a certain Steven Grant Rogers." Aurora continued to ramble, only now she had their full attention. Clint was listening with a raised brow and Natasha looked as if she was about to throttle her - if looks could kill, she would already be 6 feet under.

Aurora was about to explain more when Fury suddenly barged in with a stern expression on his face followed by a dishevelled Steve who was looking a little pale.

"There's been another sighting." The director said quite rather dramatically.

Clint and Natasha understood immediately, nodding in unison and standing up to suit up. Aurora, however, sat there with a tilted head and a confused look on her face.

Fury rolled his eye and looked to Steve as if to say 'you deal with this, I've had enough of her for one day' and so Steve stepped forward looking rather grim.

"It's Bucky."

"Bonky's gone off the rails again, I see." Aurora observed, nodding her head as they observed the live footage of the Winter Soldier attacking a group of newbie agents on mission.

The agents just stared at her in disbelief.

this chapter is mainly a filler chapter and a bit of insight to clint, nat and aurora's friendship

and yes romanogers does happen in this book but they are not the main focus, aurora and bucky are so don't expect alot of that

let me know if you have any questions!

thank you for reading- k♡

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