chapter thirty-one: step-mommy

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"Everytime I get shot, it hurts a little less."

"What are you saying?"

"I'm saying that one day, I'll be completely immune to bullets."

"Does that mean I'll become immune to your dumb comments?"

Rory gaped, holding a hand over her heart as she glared at the man before her.

"How dare you, James Bucky Barnes!"

"How dare you get kidnapped again, Aurora Something Name-I-Cannot-Pronounce!" He mocked.

"It's 'Am-eh-day-oh', you idiot."

"It's a difficult name!" He defended himself.

"Says you, Buchanan!"

Bucky gasped in mock offence.

"I hate you."

"You love me." She smirked. "In fact, you love me so much that you're going on a date with me tonight."

"Oh yeah? Says who?" He retorted, forcing away the blush from his cheeks.

"Says me."

"You're supposed to ask me, not tell me."

"Why would I do that when I already know the answer is yes?"

Bucky sighed, smiling slightly.

"Rory, that man-"


"-Literally kidnapped you because he knew you were involved with me-"

"How did he know that, by the way?" She pondered, thinking back to the man who had kidnapped her three days prior.

"-And I can't let let that happen again!" He finished, ignoring her comments.

"Oh come on! Johnny boy was a one-off! It's not like I'm parading around that you used to be the Winter Soldier!"

"I just can't let you get hurt again, Rora." He sighed, trying to get it through to her.

"I won't!"

"There are people after me! After the Winter Soldier! I can't let you get mixed up in that. I-I just gotta keep you at arms length away, where you can be safe." He stressed, rubbing his hand over his face.

"But you're not the winter soldier! Not anymore! You're Bucky. My Bucky!" Rory protested.


"Just hear me out, okay?" She didn't give him time to answer. "Just one date. One. If you don't like me-"

"I do-"

"Then we'll just forget it ever happened and we'll go back to being Bucky and Rory."

"I want us to be Bonky and Rora."

"Then go on a date with me."

"Aren't I supposed to be the one to ask you out?" He asked, accepting the offer.

"Times have changed, Buckaroo, I can do whatever I want. Hell, I could even propose to you!"

"Is that a promise?"

"It's a warning." She smirked. "But, we're not getting married. Ever. Marriage freaks me out."

"We could always elope in Las Vegas or whatever." Bucky suggested with a shrug.

arm's length away ━ bucky barnesWhere stories live. Discover now