chapter twelve: corrupted

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"Well, shit."

It was inevitable, Aurora realised. She had been harbouring a 95-year-old brainwashed assassin in her small one-bedroom apartment for about a month now and someone was bound to find out sooner or later.

Bucky, although he was making impressive progress with his memories and getting his personality back, wasn't ready to meet his old friend Steve Rogers. So much time had passed and he couldn't help but wonder 'what if?'. What if too much time had passed and their friendship wasn't salvageable? What if Steve didn't like the new Bucky? What if...

He had to stop himself from overthinking. Aurora had told him that if he kept thinking too hard- his head would grow three sizes bigger. She was probably joking, but Bucky quite liked his head the way it was, thank you very much. He wasn't taking any chances.

Steven Grant Rogers was a little shit. That much, Aurora knew. So, it was no surprise that he would once again try and break into her apartment for another one of his 'surprise visits'. He failed, however, because Aurora had installed new security measures after Bucky had decided to take a little stroll to HYDRA.

After his failed attempt of a break in, Steve was suspicious of Aurora and why the sudden need for extra locks. He devised a little plan.

Okay, it wasn't really a plan- he was just going to ask her.

So, after Aurora had finished a small mission, Steve decided to corner her. And that's exactly what he did.

"Well, shit." Aurora said as she was backed into a wall by a certain super soldier. What was she supposed to say? 'Oh yeah, Steve, I'm hiding your old best friend from the 40s who's also an assassin in my apartment and I'm helping him fix his brain. Hahaha.' No.

"Language! Seriously, Rory, what's going on? You've been so secretive this past month and now you have extra locks on your doors and-"

Aurora sighed.

"Borky's gonna kill me." She muttered to herself as she gently pushed past Steve and motioned for him to follow. Steve trailed behind like a lost puppy as she walked out of the triskeleton and towards her car.

'Nat better write me a nice eulogy' she thought as she parked her car outside her apartment complex.

Aurora and Steve stood outside her apartment, staring at the door as she took deep breaths. She decided the best thing to do was avoid the situation.

"Have fun!" She said, handing Steve her keys and sprinting down the hall. She hid behind a wall and listened as Steve unlocked the door and pushed it open.

"Bucky?" Steve's disbelieving voice echoed down the hall.

"Actually it's Bonky."

She could hear that Bucky was masking his nervousness by joking around.

"Oh god. She's corrupted you. I'm going to murder you, Rory."

And with that, Aurora took off running.

"Nat, you have to hide me!"

Aurora had immediately ran to Nat's apartment to escape Steve's wrath.

"What did you do this time?" The woman rolled her eyes.

"Well... I might have been hiding a certain winter soldier in my apartment for a month." Aurora squeaked out of her tightening throat. She was actually quite terrified of Natasha.

Nat stared blankly at the younger agent and just sighed as she opened her door and beckoned her inside.

"Sit. Explain."

And so, Aurora began explaining how Bucky had sought her out and asked for her help and how he seemed so desperate to be his old self that she just couldn't refuse.

Natasha was not impressed.

"In my defence the man broke into my apartment and threw knives at me! What was I supposed to do?"

"Throw them back!"

"But that's just rude!"

And suddenly there was a pillow in her face.

uhh this chapter is so short and bad but i'm currently SCREAMING

wandavision kills me

anyways vote and comment

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anyways vote and comment

thanks for reading-k♡

(i wrote this chapter days ago but i had to fix some mistakes and i can't be bothered to change it)

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