chapter eleven: day drunk

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"Why on Earth are the three of you drinking at 11am?"

It had been a day since Bucky had escaped and Aurora had done everything she could to find him and he was still missing. She guessed he just wanted some freedom but bloody-hell a warning wouldve been nice. So, she went to the Avengers Tower and here she was getting day drunk with Nat and Tony.

"I'm Italian." Aurora said, as if that was a proper answer, raising her glass of wine to Steve before taking a large sip.

Steve turned his disapproving stare to Nat who was downing shots like they were water.

"I'm Russian!" She said, taking another shot of vodka.

"And you?" Steve stared at Tony who was the most drunk out of them all, drinking a single-malt scotch on the rocks.

"I'm sad." Was his slurred reply.

Steve sighed as Aurora and Nat cackled as if what he said was the funniest joke in the world.

"Get up. All of you. Now!" Steve raised his voice as they all stayed draped across the sofa with drunken smiles.

"Gosh grandpa, calm down." Nat slurred.

"Grandpa! Ha, get it? It's because you're old." Aurora giggled, dragging out the word 'old'.

"Yes, I get it. Now get up, Fury needs us." This got Natasha and Aurora's attention immediately, both of them sobering up instantly as they sat up in what Tony called 'Agent-Mode'.

"Well, why didn't you tell us that in the first place instead of wasting time? Gosh, Steven." Aurora huffed, picking her jacket up off the floor as she tidied her hair up and re-tucked her dark green shirt into her black leather pants.

"Fuck, we're going to be late." Nat stressed.

The both of them were rushing around, picking up their discarded boots and keys from the floor as Steve stared with a disappointed face and Tony giggled drunkenly.

When they were looking more like agents and less like Tony Stark, the two of rushed out to the elevator, leaving Steve behind.

"Don't take my car!" Steve ran out, leaving behind Tony who had stopped giggling and was inspecting his arc-reactor with a curious look on his face.

"Pretty night-light." He slurred.

"You're late."

"What an astute observation, Captain Obvious."

"Aurora, I swear to Thor-"

"Francis, I swear to Fury-"

"Enough!" Nat snapped.

Clint and Aurora turned their heads towards the woman with innocent faces as she glared.

"C'mon, we have training to do."

And so they began training. Nat was making sure to work them extra hard for their 'childish behaviour' and by the time she had finished ordering them both around, they were red in the face and extremely sweaty. Not to mention how much they were complaining.

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