chapter twenty-three: friendly advice

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"Leo, you are not going to believe what I did last night."

"Knowing you, it was probably something stupid."

"I would disagree, but you're absolutely right. Anyways, I slept with my roomate."

"Is she cute?"

"He." Aurora corrected. She heard her brother laugh from the other end of the line and debated hanging up on him.

"What're you going to do? You can't avoid the guy if he lives with you." Emilio pointed out.

"Why do you assume I'm going to avoid him?" She asked, slightly offended.

"Because that's what you always do; you sleep with someone, man or woman, and then you never speak to them again." Leo spoke, knowing his little sister very well.

"But this is different!" She insisted.

"How is it any differ-" He paused in realisation. "You like him."

Aurora spluttered. "I don't like Bucky! We're jus-"

"You like him!" Leo cut her off, laughing.

"We're just friends." Rory said sternly.

"You slept with the dude." Her brother pointed out.

"And? I slept with Maria Hill and we're still friends."

"You were drunk when you slept with Maria."

"Drunk actions are sober thoughts."

"That's not how it goes." There was a silence before Emilio spoke up again. "Just be careful. You know what happened last time you caught feelings-"

"We don't talk about that anymore." Aurora mumbled.

"Right. Sorry, Lia." Emilio said gently. "So, you're going to tell him you like him?"

"Of course not!"


"Because he's Bucky an-and I'm Aurora." She stuttered, realising her argument wasn't valid.

"That doesn't make sense."

"Go away." She huffed.

"I'm hanging up." He warned.

"Tell Luca I love him."

"He knows."

Aurora smiled a little and hung up.

An hour prior to her phone call with Emilio, Aurora had woken up on Phil's couch alone and late for her mission. Clint ended up filling in and Fury was disappointed in her for not being prepared.

After sleeping with Bucky the night before, Aurora had come to the realisation that she had a slight crush on the former assassin and she didn't know what to do.

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