chapter twenty-seven: pepper's boyfriend-part one

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"Buckaroo, I've been shot."

"Rory, what the actual fuck?"

Poor Bucky just wanted a peaceful day of watching Desperate Housewives but of course, Rory had to ruin it by get sho- Wait. Shot?

"You were what?!" He screeched, pausing his show and sitting up dramatically.

"Took ya long enough." She chuckled.

Bucky jumped up from out of his seat and ran towards her, immediately noticing the sling on her right arm.

He was ready to go into 'full panic mode' when he realised that, apart from the obvious injury, she looked fine. He allowed himself to calm down just a little.

"You're okay, though, right. Apart from the whole 'being shot' thing?"

Aurora was visibly shocked.

"That's it? I thought you were going to lock me up and forbid me from ever going back."

"Oh I am. I just want to make sure you're okay first."

It was two weeks before he even considered letting her leave the apartment again. Luckily, Josie was there for Rory to vent to.

"Borky, Pepper invited us to her boyfriend's party tonight."

"Her boyfriend is...Stark, right?"


"Why didn't you just say Tony?" Bucky asked, confused.

"Because, Captian Hook, Pepper deserves the appreciation and I'm mad at him right now!" Rory explained, as if it were obvious. It had been four weeks since she was shot and she was perfectly healed and ready to party.

"What did he do?"

"He told Loki's brother-" She began before Bucky cut her off.


"Yes, that's what I just said."

"You said 'Loki's brother.'" She gave him an 'and?' look and he continued. "Why not just say Thor?"

"Because Loki doesn't get enough kudos for the whole 'taking over New York' thing. And also Goldilocks said I'm not worthy of mew mew so he doesn't deserve for me to speak his name."

"Goldilocks? Mew- You know what, I don't want to know." Bucky sighed, burying his face into the pillow.

"So," She spoke after a few minutes of silence. "the party? Yes or no?"


"Are you deaf? Is that old age finally catching up to you? I said 'yes or no', not 'sure or maybe not' you dumb-"

"Rora, it's 6am. I don't wanna hear it."

"So you can hear." She mused.

Bucky sighed, regretting ever breaking into her stupid apartment 6 months ago.

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