chapter twenty: mrs yarns

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"Buckaroo, we're getting a cat."

"Since. Uh. When?" (☝🏻)

"Since I decided two minutes ago."

"What if I don't want a cat?"

"Then you have two seconds to pack your shit and leave." Aurora glared, folding her arms over her chest.

"Okay okay! We're getting a cat!" Bucky held his hands up in surrender.

He couldn't help but notice how his heart seemed to skip a beat when he saw how happy she looked. Her eyes lit up, her body let off a faint glow and she smiled brightly as she ran forward to hug him tight.

"Yay! I love you so much Bonky, you're the best!"

Bucky sighed through his smile. Once again, Aurora had convinced him to do something stupid.

Just yesterday, she dragged him into a barber shop and made him get his hair cut short. He actually quite liked it and Steve said it reminded him of how he looked back in the 40s.

Bucky was glad that he was getting part of his old self back; HYDRA never used to cut his hair and he felt much more like himself with it short. Plus, it used to constantly get in the way and now he didn't have to force Rory to brush his hair and tie it up.

"Get dressed then!"

"We're getting it now?"

"Yes!" Auora sighed, exasperated, as she began searching the living room for her shoes that she lost after throwing them at Bucky the other day.

Bucky looked down at what he was wearing - a plain white t-shirt and grey sweatpants. He didn't really need to change, right?

"Bonky, why aren't you moving? Get up and get dressed!"

"I think this is fine."

Aurora stopped dead in the tracks to glare at the (old) man.

"If you think we're going to the shelter looking like," She waved her hand over him. "that, then you're having a laugh. I don't want our pet thinking we're homeless. Have standards, Bonky!"


She glared and he shut up, scrambling to get his clothes that were folded in Aurora's dresser.

When finally finished getting dressed, Auora had already changed her outfit for the third time and found her shoes.

"Does this look good?" Aurora asked him and he turned his attention to what she was wearing. Her brown hair was curled a little and it fell neatly over her leather jacket that she wore over a grey shirt tucked into black cargo pants and Doc Martens. It was what she usually wore, but Bucky didn't think it would be a good idea to tell her that.

He had half a mind to tell her she always looked beautiful, but instead he went with a simple: "Looks fine to me."

She huffed before bending down and picking up a random shoe (Bucky's) and throwing it at him. It hit him square in the chest and he glared.

"Put it on." She said before throwing the other.

"I hate you sometimes, you know that?" Bucky sighed as he put his shoes on.

"You love me." She smirked and all Bucky did was smile.

"Welcome home Mrs. Yarns!" Aurora grinned, arms spread wide as she entered the apartment.

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