chapter twenty-one: late night

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"I personally think that-"

"I personally don't give a fuck."

"Rory! You're being mean!"

"Stop pouting." Aurora frowned.

*Pouting intensifies*

"Just hear me out-" Bucky tried to talk.

"We are not changing Mrs. Yarns name! It's beautiful and she loves it!" Aurora interrupted.

"I just think a first name would be nice." Bucky defended himself.

"Okay, give me a name."

"Uh-" He thought for a moment.

"Too slow." Rory held up her hand, the one that wasn't holding a purring Mrs. Yarns, to silence him.

He grumbled under his breath.

"If you're going to be a big baby about it then Mrs. Yarns will attack you."

"No she won't. She loves me too much" Bucky cooed, reaching over from his seat on the couch to pet the kitten.

"She loves me more but go off."

Aurora looked down at the kitten on her lap and then to Bucky, who was once again pouting.

"Fine! She gets a first name. But, she keeps 'Yarns' as her last." She caved.

Bucky did a little dance in his seat with a grin that Aurora didn't want to admit was borderline adorable.

He thought about it for a moment, his blue eyes staring intently at Mrs. Yarns who was licking her small paws. Then, he nodded, as if coming to a conclusion in his head.

"Okay, I think she could be a Josie." He suggested.

"Josie?" Rory looked at Mrs. Yarns with a tilted head. "Yeah, I can see it."

Bucky grinned and took the newly named Mrs. Josie Yarns into his arms and kissed her little head.

"Hey, give me back my child!" Aurora grumbled.

"She's my child!"

"No, she's mine!"

They both glared at each other until Bucky smiled.

"She's ours."

Aurora nodded and scooted over to sit by him and their child.

"I still think she loves me more."

Bucky pouted.

Suddenly, the front door was thrown open and in walked Natasha Romanoff.

She took one look at Bucky and Aurora practically cuddling on the couch with their kitten and grimaced.

"Look at you two, so domestic. It makes me sick."

"Why are you in our apartment." Bucky glared.

Nat fake gagged.

"'Our'? What are you, married?"

Rory and Bucky simultaneously rolled their eyes.

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