chapter thirty-two: fair and square

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"We should argue more often."

"Wha- why?"

"For the character development!" Aurora rolled her eyes. "And the angry sex."

"I think I've already had uh, 'character development'." Bucky frowned, take a bite of his spaghetti.

"Obviously, I didn't forget about your glow up of the century, babe, but we need more! If we argue, then we'll get inevitably get closer and then bam! We're married." Rory explained, hands waving around as if that helped get her point across.

"I've never been on a date with someone like you."

"Uh, thank you?"

"Want to have sex?"


"Have you ever been in love, Aunt Rory?"

"Sure I have." She shrugged.

"With a boy or a girl?"

"Kid, you're like 2 seconds old. Why are you asking this?"

Her nephew flushed pink.

After her successful date with Bucky (wink wonk), Rory decided to visit Laura, Clint and the kids for a few days.

The second she walked through the door (very dramatically, by the way), Cooper had immediately dragged her to a secluded place on the farm to talk to her about his troubles.

"There's a boy in my class-"

"Fuck yes! Your dad owes me 10 bucks!"

Cooper pouted and Rory motioned for him to continue.

"There's a boy in my class called Oliver and I think really like him." He blushed and Rory grinned, throwing her arm over his shoulder and bringing him closer.

"As a friend?"

"I don't know!" He whined. "How do you know when you like someone, Aunt Rory?"

"Well," She thought about all the times she had a crush on someone but all she could think about was Bucky, "they make you feel...happy in a way that nobody else does." She spoke softly, in a way that was easy for him to understand.

"What else?" He asked curiously, adoration in his eyes as he looked at his aunt.

"They're the only person you want to see after a bad day and they're the only face you want to find in a crowded room."

"Thats not helpful! I'm 7, not 40 like you."

"Excuse you! I'm 26!"

"You don't look like it. Don't worry, my mom has make-up you can borrow-"

"Thanks for the birth control reminder, you little shit." She ruffled his hair and he huffed.

"What do think I should do?"

"I think you shouldn't worry your little head about anything. You don't have to label yourself or date anyone until you're ready and even then you might change your mind a hundred times. There's nothing wrong with waiting a little longer."

"Thanks, Aunt Rory. You're the best."

"Say that again, I didn't quite catch it." She said pulling out her phone.

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