chapter sixteen: hostage

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"Chains? Kinky."

"Aurora, we are being held hostage. Now is not the time for your comments."

"There's always a time for my comments, thank you very much."

Aurora had woken up God knows how many hours later, chained to a dirty wall in what looked like a basement beside a very frustrated Natasha Romanoff.

Just your average Tuesday.

Now, Aurora can be smart when she wants to be and this time, she was. She immediately tried using her powers only to feel a horrible burning sensation in her wrists

She looked down to see two metal power-blocker bracelets secured tightly on her arms.


"You know, if he starts to torture me then I'm going to pretend it's my fetish and I'm super into it. Three things could happen; he's weirded out and let's me go, he's also into it and I get dick or he kills me. Either way, I win."


"What? It's smart!"

Nat just sighed and began looking around for things that could help escape when she saw a trapdoor above them, it was open a tiny bit and someone was looking straight at her with wide eyes.

It was Stefan's son, Noah. He seemed terrified, which only confirmed their suspicion of the family not knowing.

"Rory." Nat nodded her head to the ceiling and Aurora saw the boy.

"Hey, kid." She smiled comfortingly at him, hoping she could convince him to help them somehow. "Can you come here?"

It wasn't really question and he knew it so, he immediately opened up the trapdoor and climbed down, nearly falling a few times. Aurora was practically screaming at herself in her head to help him somehow but, she couldn't.

"Okay, can you try and take these bracelets off her?" Nat tilted her head to Rory's wrists when he was on solid ground and the boy nodded and immediately got to work. Apparently, he knew how to pick locks?

There was a tense silence before Aurora ruined it (again).

"Just a normal Tuesday. You know, my schedule says I'm not supposed to be tortured until Thursday but, I suppose I can make an exception for your dad." She grinned at a confused Noah. "He's quite cute. Is he single?"

"He's married with children." Natasha reminded her with a roll of her eyes.

"That hasn't stopped me before."

"Yes it has." Nat sighed.

"You're right."

Suddenly, there was a click and one of the power-blockers fell to the floor with a clatter and Aurora sighed in relief before shoving her other wrist at the boy. Honestly, she didn't know how he knew how to pick locks but that wasn't her top priority right now (she's just going to pretend she wasn't hot-wiring cars at 10).

She tried to use her powers now that they weren't being too suppressed but all she got was a faint green flicker of flames on her palm and a harsh burn in her other hand.

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