chapter thirty-three: end of the line

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"Buckaroo, I'm home!"

"Rory!" Bucky ran out of the bedroom and into the living room, tackling her in a hug. "I missed you so much, you gotta promise to never leave me alone again!"

"I was gone for three days! Plus, you weren't alone, you had Josie!"

Bucky froze, which did not go unnoticed by Rory.

"Bonky." She pulled away to give him a stern look. He averted his eyes to the floor. "Where is Josie?"

"She might have jumped out the window-" He blurted and Rory gasped.

"You had one job!"

"It's not my fault!" He defended quickly. "I was making food-"

"Oh no."

"And I burned something-"

"Oh Lord."

"So I opened the window to let the smoke out and she just jumped!"

Rory groaned, rubbing her face with her hands as she collapsed onto the sofa.

"We've raised a suicidal kitten."

"We're horrible parents." Bucky whispered, falling into the seat next to her.

"Promise me you won't ever get me pregnant?"

"I swear."

It was silent for a moment before Aurora spoke up.

"You do realise you're the one who has to go and find her, right?"


"Josephine Natasha Yarns you are grounded for two weeks!"

Josie licked her paw, uninterested.

Rory gasped.

"That's another week for your attitude, young lady!"

Josie purred.

"Don't make me call your father in here!" Rory warned, eyes narrowing at the kitten who's head snapped up.

Mrs Yarns jumped into Aurora's arms, nuzzling into her as if she was apologising.

"That's what I thought."

"Bonky, when are you gonna admit you're in love with me?"

"Right now. Hey, Rora, I'm in love with you."

"What a coincidence, I'm in love with me too!"

"Rory, I'm serious!"

"Hi, serious, I'm Rory."

"You're not funny!"

"I already told you! I'm not funny, I'm Rory!"

arm's length away ━ bucky barnesWhere stories live. Discover now