⁷²symphony of silence for the rested

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The heat coming through my balcony beats me over and over again, over the thought of being cast aside or forgotten. I suppose, like the sunlight, you know it's there, but I'm not sure many of us acknowledge it.

It's a little harder of a thought when you feel left out by people who are supposed to make you feel welcome. I'm not bitter, just utterly confused and worried.

"They still haven't talked to you?" Mara asks, her voice accentuated by my phone receiver.

A heavy sigh casts out of me and I hang my head back at the reminder. "Yeah. Nobody's replying, haven't left me on read either except for mom, and I "

"Hey, calm down," She says, wearing the tone that I recognise as the kind she uses when she's at work. "Let's not get too worried, okay?" I've heard her talk this way to patients, the softer, warmer tone bound to ease them to some level of tranquillity. "They might just be cut off connection, or really busy,"

I nod, though recognising the tactic, I give in. Maybe if I believe enough that everything's okay, it'll be true. "Okay. Yeah, maybe,"

It's an understatement to say I'm looking forward, or dreading, the times Saturday comes and I'll get to talk to them then. They have to call, right?

Huffing, I get up and open my closet, sorting through mindlessly. Colours showing themselves though not making an impact. Designs trying their best to dazzle me but only coming halfway.

"Alright, come on, let's see those dresses," Her tone switches, back to its friendly one she uses most often. "You have that cute pink one you got a few years ago, I vouch for that one,"

Once again, I notice this newer tactic of distracting. You're to keep the person talking about something else until they've more or less moved their attention away from the worrying thing. Or perhaps I'm just too paranoid and she's really just interested in what I wanna wear to Nat's party.

I run my eyes through the two different shades of pinks I have hung, one a fair sort of tone and the other an eye-catching bold. "Which... one? I have two,"

"I don't know. I think it had that jewell-y looking zipper at the back,"

I bring out the fair pink dress and examine the back, indeed finding the zipper to have a blue gem stuck on it. "Ooh, I can wear those white flats I have. They might look nice together,"

Mara hums, clinks of some plates making a sound. "Ey, okay, guess what  Nelson came by and asked if I would let Darth spend time with Susan for a "playdate", and I swear, he seemed genuinely sad when I told him Darth had moved out with you," She chuckles, and I smile along, the image if him with Susan in his arm amusing me.

"Maybe we should've let Darth hang with her," Mara adds, earning a dramatised gasp from me.

"How dare you even say that! Our son should never," I whip a look at Darth from across the room, watching him mind his own business while peering through my bedroom blinds.

Mara's laugh fills my ears right before my bedroom door squeals open, turning my attention to the head poking in.

"Hey, get dressed?" Luke mouths at me, pointing at the outfit in my hand.

I nod and wait as he closes the door. "Alright, Mar. Gotta dress up, I'll call you later, yeah?"

She sighs as she calms down from her high. "Yeah, sure. Love you. And hey, try and enjoy tonight, okay?" Her voice turns sincere, concerned for the version of me whose instinct is to panic when her family doesn't immediately respond. "They'll call you, it'll be alright,"

𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐉𝐄𝐂𝐓 𝐖𝐈𝐋𝐃𝐅𝐋𝐎𝐖𝐄𝐑⁰¹ʰᵉᵐᵐⁱⁿᵍˢ✓Where stories live. Discover now