⁶⁰six hours

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It's odd seeing my workplace so clean. My easel, stool, and desk barren of any messy palettes, rags, or paint-stained brushes; all gone, cleaned, and tucked away into the storage room.

This was how it looked when I'd only started working here, and now that I'm going, I feel a strange sense of deja-vu. Am I eighteen who doesn't know what I'm doing, or twenty-two who only has slight knowledge of where I'm headed? They feel quite similar.

I remember staring at the easel for quite some time, pinching my arm to make sure I wasn't dreaming. I couldn't believe I even passed the interview with what little working experience I had. Everyone else seemed to have worked in some other art studio before, or have studied years prior, but I was the epitome of fresh, clueless meat.

For a whole month straight, I was convinced I'd be fired because I wasn't doing something right. But here I am with quite a different story.

This makes me wonder about my studio in LA. I've yet to see it, and my excitement for it is definitely boiling within me.

"It's gonna be weird without you here," Marisse's voice says behind me and I turn. Her lengthy hair swept back, her arms folded. "I'll have to make friends with your replacement," She pouts.

I chuckle, starting towards her and putting on a brave smile. "Hey, then tell'em they got big shoes to fill,"

She nods. "Will do," She unlocks her arms and rests them around me, sitting her chin on my shoulder. "If I ever get to visit LA, I'll call you. I'll miss you so much,"

I return the hug and kiss her cheek, feeling how tightly she's holding me to herself. "And you tell that Luke boy that he better treat you right, or else I'm coming to him and we'll have some words," She parts from me and gives me a joking look.

I smile endearingly at her, sensing how she must be trying to cheer herself up. "I'll do just that," I reply.

She put one arm around my shoulders as we walk out of the studio and back into the waiting room, where some cupcakes, drinks, and pizza is being laid out on an extra table in the middle.

The excitement is tingling in the room, the anticipation, and the wine seems to be helping.

Helene enters just at the same time with a plastic cup in her hand. "Everyone, if I might have a moment, I'd just like to say something to our transferees,"

Everyone nods and I pour my own drink into a cup, glancing quickly at the bottle that has an Italian wine company name on the bottom.

"To our wonderful, talented artists who've been transferred to Ackerman's new LA branch — Jemmy, Mia, and Clem — you will be missed," She gives us each her wide, manager smile. "I know you'll do everyone proud, and we wish you success in your endeavours," She raises her cup before taking a drink.

Everyone follows suit, including me, downing the drink as people start to clap.

The next minute or two was filled with everyone congratulating Mia, Jemmy, and I with our promotion, hugging us, pressing wine-stained kisses on our cheeks, bidding us goodbye, and saying how we'll do well in the next branch.

The doubtful part of me wants to interject and say that I might actually not do great, but I'm afraid this isn't the time.

"Look at you," Annie says after parting from our embrace. "All grown up," She nudges my arm and winks.

I snort, shaking my head. "Please, I only wish," She stands by me as we look around our timid party of artists. Everyone's gorging themselves on the food on the table, pouring themselves more wine, and indulging in borderline-drunk conversation.

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