³¹passions and wrongs

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"Oh, please, Oliver," Madeline groans, probably rolling her eyes at our brother. "Like you could ever get a girl. A mentally stable girl, anyways," She snickers and I hear Oliver gasp and, I assume, playfully hit Maddie, as she snorts and yelps out an 'ow'.

"You're so stupid," Oliver mutters.

Maddie giggles. "Yeah, but you're special stupid,"

"Special stupid?"

"Yeah, stupid with two o's. Stoopid."

"I hate you," Oliver murmurs before I hear a chair scratch the floor, followed by footsteps trailing away. "Goodbye, Maddie, please be noted that I will be ignoring you,"

"Aw, Ollie can't handle knowing he's stoopid," She chuckles as Oliver closes the door. Immediately, Maddie changes her tone and starts speaking closer to the phone, to the point where I hear her breathing. "Now tell me who you're losing sleep after,"

At the sudden loudness of the call, I jerk myself fully awake from the half comatose state I was in. "Hm? Yes. What?"

Maddie scoffs. "You were totally asleep, Clem, c'mon," She sighs as I properly seat myself. "I know you're working too much again,"

"You can never work too much," I reply, rubbing my eyes and giving out a silent yawn.

"Bull," She snaps back. "Is it Aiden? Is he back?"

I shake my head. "No, it's not Aiden,"

"So who is it, then?"

I furrow my brows, tapping my fingers on my lap as Luke's face came across my mind. "Why does it have to be someone for me to work harder?" I asked frustratingly.

Maddie groans. "Clem, you already work hard. You're clearly tired so that means that you've been overworking," She tells me with a firm voice, reminding me of mom when she'd tell me off. "Again," She adds in a disappointed tone.

I hate when my family's disappointed, at me or anyone else in the family. They tend to be supportive and really optimistic, motivating me at any time. So when I hear the tone that meant that they expected better from me, I can't help but feel that I've really fucked up.

"Don't do that to me," I say, clearly stating about the tone. "I'm fine, you don't have to worry about me," I shake off my tired state and stand up, taking my phone and strolling through the studio with my phone held across me. "I just really want to get this project done,"

Maddie takes a moment to answer. "Mhm, yeah," She says, unconvinced before deciding to move on. "Hey, I've got some homework to do, you wanna talk to dad?"

I hum, sensing her sudden unfriendly tone. "Yeah, sure," I hear her footsteps on the floor. "He's been sleeping a lot, by the way. Always tired," She tells me.

I furrow my brows at this. "Why? Is the shop doing really well, then?"

Maddie huffs. "No, it's as usual. But he's always tired, has a ton of headaches, gets dizzy a lot." I hear the concern in her voice and I just want to reach out from her phone and hold her close the way I did when she got nightmares when she was a kid.

"Check if he's eating or drinking good, or at all. Maybe it's a low-calorie thing," I advice, not putting much mind into it. I know he always got sick when he was younger, so we know not to panic when it happens again.

"I'll do that," I hear a shuffling from her end before she starts speaking again. "Ey, dad. Dad, Clem wants to speak to you," She pauses, then I hear a blunt hitting sound.

𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐉𝐄𝐂𝐓 𝐖𝐈𝐋𝐃𝐅𝐋𝐎𝐖𝐄𝐑⁰¹ʰᵉᵐᵐⁱⁿᵍˢ✓Where stories live. Discover now